Created by Wendy Fachie
almost 12 years ago
Social model of health
Key points 4.4
Care assessment
Health or social care
Biomedical approach to healthcare
Care package
Care Manager
What are white papers?
Carers Allowance.
How is care divided?
Care plan
Talcott Parson's sick role.
Bethnal Green: the late 20th century - families and caring.
Key points 2.3
Problems with home carers
Social and Health Care
The sick role
Maslow model of human needs
The Carers Equal Opportunities Act 2004
Ann and Angus - family care
Report from Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCS 2006)
Changes in society
Benefits of direct payment
Hospitals not all hi-tech
Quality of relationship
Challenges of defining what carers do
White paper 2006
White papers in England and Wales
When claiming the sick role is difficult
Key points 3.4
Key points 4.1
Direct payments
Why does being defined as a carer matter.
Suitability of Direct Payments
Who gets support?
Key Points Unit 1:1
Role of hospital patient
Key points 4.3
When in hospital
Peter Townsend study of Bethnal Green
Medical Hierarchical way of working
Do families still care
Consultative and collaborative system of working in hospitals
Secondary services
Caring a woman's role
Main points from Townsend study.
Key points 2.5
Parkinson's Disease
Social care who decides
Family caring - Part 2
What is it like to be cared for?
Home care - service users perspective
What is it like to be cared for? 2
Anwar Malik
Key points 3.4
Four Complicating Factors of care
Appropriate services
Is Ann officially a carer?
WHO definition of health
Key points 1.2
Key points 1.4
Key points 4.2
Key points 2.1
Barriers to asking for help with caring
Definition of a carer
What is it like being a carer?
Complicating factor 1
Duration and frequency
Carers - facts
Expert patient
Normative pressure
Values and ethics
Experiencing care as a younger person.
Primary Care
Key Points 2.2
Key points 1.3
K101 principals of care practice
Complicating Factor 2
Labelling and identity
Service User
Who gets local authority help?
Complicating Factor 3
Why might a carer not look for help?
Complicating Factors 4
Social care who pays?
Importance of care in families
What affects care relationships?
Chronic disease
Importance of family carers