TPR is based on the belief that learners should be encouraged to speak as soon as possible because it is important to understand more than just input
Which of these are effects on production due to "connected speech"?
What is the basic meaning of a perfective?
before and connected to a point in time
a continuous action
after and totally unconnected to a point in time
Which of these is an example of a past simple?
The train left the station.
She was walking her dog from the station.
They have been to the station
The passive makes up a system (with the active) called the voice. It is where the patient is put into the subject position.
Which of these ISN'T a type of drilling?
imitation drill
choral repetition
substitution drill
During P-P-P a pre-selected grammatical item is first presented then practiced in a controlled way and then practiced using a freer productive activity e.g. roleplay
There is more of an emphasis on fluency rather than accuracy with P-P-P
Which statements are true? (choose the correct ones)
Primary modals include but are not limited to lexis such as will, would and might
Another term for secondary auxiliary verbs are modals
Auxiliary verbs CANNOT occur in combination
Auxiliary verbs CAN occur in combination
Primary auxiliary verbs serve to express voice only ( e.g. active or passive)
Primary auxiliary verbs serve to express aspect AND voice
Negation is....
a form of drilling...
ways of contradicting the meaning of a sentence...
a linguistic tool used to aid information retention...
Aspect is a synonym for 'tense'.
Polysemy is used to describe a word which has more than one related meaning... e.g. wooden chip and computer chip....'s a synonym for homonym's a synonym for homograph's not a synonym for either
C.A.L.L stands for
Communicative approach (to) language learning
computer assisted language learning
Which conditional(s) uses the present simple?
Which conditional describes a situation which is always true? (usually due to scientific facts)
Which conditional is used to talk about the future where there is a real possibility?
Which conditional is used to talk about either an impossible situation or a highly unlikely one?
Which conditional is used to talk about impossible situations as they are already in the past and cannot be changed?
What is the most common way to express modality?
Aspect- progressive and perfectives
modal verbs
Which is true in relation to modal verbs? (3)
There are 9 "pure" modal verbs...
There are only 4 "pure" modal verbs...
To form a negative modal, "not" has to be inserted e.g. musn't
modals have a 3rd person singular -s
modals do not have a 3rd person singular -s
Modal verbs can express...
intrinsic meaning
extrinsic meaning
is the spoken/written language that learners are exposed to
important, learners cannot learn a language without input
input is feedback
should be at the level of the learners ability
should be 1 level above the learners ability
should be 1 level below the learners ability
Connotations are the associations a word may trigger in its users.
Assesment is a synonym for testing...
The present simple is used to....
habits in a "time-less" present and future scheduled events
events happening only now at the present
habits in a "time-less" present and events happening only now at the present.
is based on the principles of suggestion
believe "you learn a language by using it"
has the teacher in conspicuous control.
believe education can never be purely neutral and always works to either maintain or change the status quo
was the pre-cursor to task based learning
Suggestopaedia- humans are capable of extreme feats of learning in the right emotional state
Deductive learning...
when a rule/generalization is presented to the learners before they go on to apply it in an activity
where learners deduce a rule or generalization from examples prior to practising it
Leaving out elements of a sentence because they are unnecessary or implied from the immediate context is called...
It is essential for learners to be equipped with metalanguage e.g. knowing the grammatical terms like adjective
Lexical verbs have...
grammatical meanings
dictionary meaning
Task-based learning
the task is the basic unit for planning and teaching
learning is mediated through fidel charts colour-coded representing the sounds of language
believe you "learn a language by using it"
believe the learners should be treated as 'empty vessels'
class instructions involve demonstrations by the teacher and the performance then of the task by the learners
there was much less focus on form than other methods
a pair of words which differ in meaning when only one sound is changed is called a...
minimal pair
phonemic pair
homophonic pair
Coherence means...
it makes sense... to "make sense" you need to have logical relations e.g. linkers such as 'so' or 'to'..
that elements within a text are connected..