Father of modern thought
Rene Descartes
David Hume
John Locke
Immanuel Kant
believed that we are born with tabula rosa
Thomas Reid
"is" does not mean "ought"
Karl Marx
Thomas Hobbes
believed we made sense of the world by our collective experiences
Jeremy Bentham
Noumena - thing in itself
George Berkeley
"Wealth of Nations"
Adam Smith
"to be is to be perceived"
believed there was a common sense (sensus communis) among humans.
John Stuart Mill
pleasure highest good
Rene Discartes
Post modern thinking consists of:
some actions were praise worthy, others should be shunned
The dialectic terms are:
History is about a struggle of change, that through reason will bring progress and a utopia at the end.
George Freidrich Hegel
Why people like Negative Rights
Kant says we experience the world in time and space
we tell ourselves narratives to explain the world
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Jean-Francois Lyotard
Ferdinand de Saussure
Thomas Kuhn
existentialist, believed no god, no hope, nothing but despair
Jean Paul Sartre
C.S. Pierce
coined the word paradigm to describe the framework of knowledge or world-view one has
Jean-Paul Sartre
George Frederich Hegel
Ludwig Wittgenstein thought of language games
forms of life
George Freiderich Hegel
Four common views of history are:
Thomas Reid believed history moved through struggle of opposing ideas.
From where do rights originate? ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌
3 critiques of Kant
Critique of Aristotelian reason
Critique of pure reason
Critique of a priori
Critique of practical reason
Critique of logical reason
Critique of judgement
4 main categories of the mind
Cogito Ergo Sum came from Descartes
Kant believed that an Absolute Spirit pushed history towards an end of history where society becomes a perfect utopia
practical experience was the best teacher of students.
John Dewey
William James
Critical theory believed that these social activities were political:
church meetings
foreign affairs
materialist, economist and historian
George F Hegel
What are some evils of capitalism as stated by Marx?
from each, according to his ability, to each, according to his need
Charles Darwin
Being and Nothingness
Freidrich Nietzche
Nietzche said that "God is dead"
What are the 4 truth tests?
Jean Paul Sartre wrote a play called "No Exit" where people sat in a waiting room and soon realized they were in hell with people getting on their nerves
Kant believe that knowledge CANNOT be A Priori but ability to understand could be.
Thomas Hobbes said that humans develop in a way that makes us able to survive in the world.
John Stuart Mill was a utilitarianist who cautioned against inductive fallacies or ambiguity.
Utilitarian morality believes in:
ideas are highest good
pleasure is highest good
socialism provides most democratic means for wealth
capitalism provides most democratic means for wealth
greatest good for the greatest number of people
government should regulate markets
Laissez Faire
George Hegel came up with idea of Dialectical or Absolute Idealism
David Hume had 2 types of ideas for knowledge: relation of idea and matters of fact. Called Hume's Fork
subject --> object
Reme Descartes
first american pragmatist
david hume
Wrote Leviathan
"existence precedes essence"
Jean Paul Sarte
Sigmund Freud
Solipcism is the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.
subject / object split
outspoken advocate for women's rights
Scottish empiricist
sensation and reflection
Categorical Imperative
knowledge = idea + reason + empirical demonstration
Four R's
Absolute Spirit is the Great Idea, the driving, rational force behind history.
ethics of care
Carol Gilligan
excluded Middle
Gottfriend Liebniz