Created by Daisy Gazzard
over 7 years ago
"Sunday walks"
"Some place at the end of the world"
"Three o'clock"
"Girl of maybe eight or ten"
"Trampled calmly over the child's body"
"Damned juggernaut"
"Collared my gentleman"
"Sawbones turn sick and white with the desire to kill him"
"Make his name stink from one end on London to the other"
"I am ashamed of my long tongue" ~Enfield
"Hearty, healthy [...] gentleman" ~of Dr Lanyon
"Such unscientific balderdash" ~ Lanyon of Jekyll's work
"Would have estranged Damon and Pythias"
"If he shall be Mr Hyde [...] I shall be Mr Seek"
"Pale and dwarfish" ~ of Hyde
"Dr Fell"
"Fog rolled over the sky"
"Clubbed" "trampling" "storm of blows"
"With ape-like fury"
"Daylight would glance in between the swirling wreaths"
"A flash of odious joy appeared upon the woman's face"
"Dingy windowless structure"
"Deadly sick" "feverish manner" ~ of Jekyll after Carew murder