Created by Assged Abdalla
over 7 years ago
1. Why are the models used in science?
2. What is analogy?
3. Give an example of analogy?
4. What are thought models and how do scientists use them?
5. What is the difference between good and bad thought models?
6. What is a particle model?
7. What is everything made of in the particle model?
8. What are bonds?
9. What do particles in solid do?
10. What happens when you increase the temperature in solid?
11. What is indirect evidence?
12. What is diffusion?
13.What is Brownian motion?
14.What are thought models
helpful for?
15. Give an example on how
a model can be used.
16. What dot points does a particle
model have?
17. Explain the particles in a solid.
18. Explain the particles in a liquid.
19. Explain the particles in a gas.
20. What happens when a substance is