Each question in this quiz is timed.
Pathetic Fallacy is.....
Where inanimate objects reflect the mood of the scene
Where the weather reflects the mood of the scene
An Ellipsis is a
Flashbacks are where
People in the story remember their past
People in the story act out their past
Cliffhangers are where
Characters are left hanging from a cliff
The story is stopped just before an important event might happen
An Onomatopoeia is where
Where the sound of the word sounds like what is happening. E.G: Sizzle, drip, Splash
Where two words sound the same but are totally different
Red herrings are
Where false clues are given
Where the main character dies at the end of the film/book
Metonymy of gloom and horror is where
Inanimate objects reflect the mood of the scene
dropping clues is where
The writer puts clues in and the reader might understand but the character does not
The character dies at the start
Withholding info is
Where in a story about plots, the character does not tell the reader about a part of the plot.
Where you, Withhold info
Powerful adjectives are
Where adjectives Kill someone
Where adjectives are very descriptive