Quote for Aspens
"The whisper of the Aspens is not drowned"
"As if they had their births/ in sunless Hades fields"
Quote for The Sun Used to Shine
"Fallen apples, all the talks/ and silences"
"I cannot bite the day to the core"
Quote for As the Teams Head-Brass
"The unfathomable deep/ Forest where all must lose their way"
"Have many gone/ from here?" "Yes." "Many lost?" "Yes:/ A good few"
Quotes for Tears
"Yet naught did my despair/ But sweeten the strange sweetness"
"And Silence, told me truths i had not dreamed/ And i have forgotten since their beauty passed."
Quotes for Rain
"Rain, midnight rain, nothing but the wild rain"
"The rain and wind, the rain and wind raved endlessly/ On me"