This is a timed quiz.
You have 15 minutes to complete the 14 questions in this quiz.
"That man has a lot of expensive cars. He must be very rich". What´s the function of "must"?
logical conclusion
"This is a hospital. You must not smoke here". What´s the function of "must not"?
logical conlcusion
"You look very tired. I think you should go to bed early tonight". What's the function of "should"?
"You’ve worked enough for today. You can go home now". What's the function of "can"?
"When I was ten years old, I could sing those songs". What's the function of "could"?
ability in the past
"She may be too exhausted to help you right now". What's the function of "may"?
"You might become president one day" What's the function of "might"?
"You will have to be here tomorrow if you want to keep your job". What's the function of "have to"?
1. Children must can( must, can ) obey their parents (obligation)
2. Students should may( should, may ) leave the room now (permission)
3. I could must( could, must ) never kill anybody (ability)
4. If you want, we could should( could, should ) go to the movies (possibility)
5. She’s been studying all night long. She might must( might, must ) be tired (logical conclusion)
6. You should must( should, must ) not bring your pet here. (prohibition)