Dense Forest In Hot Wet Climites
Dry often Sandy, little rainfall, extreme temperatures sparse vegetation
Tropical and sub tropical region with few trees
A vast Arctic in Europe, Asia and North America, soil is completely frozen
A place characterized by trees that seasonally shed there leaves
Roughly how high can trees grow to in the rain forest(meters)
Why is there little growth on the forest floor?
What is the section of the rain forest under 10 meters called?
What section of the rain forest is 10 meters to 20 meters?
What is the section of the rain forest that is 20 meters to 30 meters?
What is the tallest layer of the rain forest called?
What is the line above the Equator called?
What is the line that runs through the middle of Earth called?
What is the line that runs under the equator called?
Describe why cattle ranching is destroying the rain forest
Explain why logging is destroying the tropical Rain Forest
Explain why mining is destroying the Rain Forest
Explain why population increase is destroying the tropical rain forest
Explain why roads and buildings are destroying the tropical rainforest
What is the leading cause of Deforestation?
What is the biggest Rain Forest in the world?
What percent of earth is covered in Rain Forest?
How many football fields of rain forest, do you think, are being cut down each minuet