Salary includes base salary, salary increases and employee bonuses
The wage level is the relative pay position of an organization in the same industry, using similar classes of workers
What do entrepreneurs decide when it comes to offering a salary?
Salaries that are higher than the rest of the companies or suedos below the legally established minimum
The mid level salary regardless of the position held in the company
A relatively high salary, an average salary or a relatively low salary
What should managers take into account, after choosing the salary level?
The opinion of employees and unions
The strategy of the organization, which goes hand in hand with costs
How much of it remains as a profit to the main partners of the company
The payment structure describes the specific dates in which the payment will be made in the company of the employees
Why social benefits are compounded in the United States?
Indemnities, social security, and unemployment insurance
A tax to cover the expenses of congressmen and senators, social security
Car insurance, social insurance, unemployment insurance
There are other benefits such as health insurance, otherguide dental vacations, retirement plans etc.