FILE SYSTEMS: What does TCP stand for?
INTERNETWORKING: What does IP stand for?
FILE SYSTEMS: What does ISP stand for?
INTERNETWORKING: What does ARP stand for?
INTERNETWORKING: What are the 7 layers of the ISO/OSI Model from bottom to top?
(Hint: Please DoNoT SPA / PDNTSPA)
INTERNETWORKING: What are the four layers of the TCP/IP Network Model?
(Hint: LNTA)
INTERNETWORKING: What does FTP stand for?
INTERNETWORKING: What does SNMP stand for?
INTERNETWORKING: What does SMTP stand for?
INTERNETWORKING: What does DNS stand for?
INTERNETWORKING: What information does IP contain?
What are the 14 sections of a IP Datagram?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the Version part of an IP Datagram responsible for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the IHL part of the IP Datagram used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the type-of-service part of an IP Datagram responsible for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the total length of the IP Datagram responsible for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the Identification part of the IP Datagram used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the flags part of an IP Datagram used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the fragment offset part of the IP Datagram used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the time-to-live part of an IP Datagram used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the protocol of the IP Datagram used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the header checksum used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the source address used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the destination address in an IP Datagram?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the options part of an IP Datagram used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the data part of the IP Datagram responsible for?
INTERNETWORKING: How many bits is an IP address?
INTERNETWORKING: How many octets is an IP address split into?
INTERNETWORKING: What are the maximum and minimum number for an IP address octet?
INTERNETWORKING: What are the two main parts an IP address is split into?
INTERNETWORKING: What is an IP address?
INTERNETWORKING: Why is 127 not allowed to be used for the first octet of an IP address?
INTERNETWORKING: How many octets are for the network part of class A, B and C?
INTERNETWORKING: What are the default subnet addresses for classes A, B and C?
INTERNETWORKING: What are the ranges for the 1st octet range for classes A, B and C?
INTERNETWORKING: What is TCP used for?
INTERNETWORKING: How does TCP establish a connection between a client and a server?
INTERNETWORKING: What are the processes of a three way handshake?
INTERNETWORKING: What are the 12 parts of the TCP segment?
INTERNETWORKING: What are the source and destination ports responsible for in a TCP Segment?
INTERNETWORKING: What are the sequence and acknowledgment numbers used for in a TCP segment?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the flags part of the TCP segment used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the window of the TCP segment used for?
INTERNETWORKING: Why is control flow used?
INTERNETWORKING: What are the 8 parts to an ethernet frame?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the preamble of an ethernet frame used for?
INTERNETWORKING: What is a start of frame delimiter used for in an ethernet frame?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the destination and source address used for in an ethernet frame?
INTERNETWORKING: What is the length/type used for in an ethernet frame?
INTERNETWORKING: What is an frame checking sequence in an ethernet frame?
FILE SYSTEMS: What is a file system?
FILE SYSTEMS: How many bytes is in a sector?
FILE SYSTEMS: What is an offset?
FILE SYSTEMS: What is metadata?
FILE SYSTEMS: What information is stored in metadata?
FILE SYSTEMS: What is a disk file systems?
FILE SYSTEMS: What is a network file systems?
FILE SYSTEMS: What does a flash file systems need to consider?
FILE SYSTEMS: What does FAT stand for?
FILE SYSTEMS: What is a file allocation table?
FILE SYSTEMS: What is a directory?
FILE SYSTEMS: What are the 5 parts of a FAT File System?
(Hint: BFRDC)
FILE SYSTEMS: What is an iNode?
JAVA: What is a class?
JAVA: What is an object?
JAVA: What is a java bytecode?
JAVA: What is a JVM?
JAVA: What does JVM execute?
JAVA: Where does all computation in the JVM centres occur?
JAVA: What are opcodes?
JAVA: What does JIT stand for and what is it?
JAVA: What does the JVM verify before it is executed?
JAVA: How can you make a java application portable?
JAVA: What does API stand for?
JAVA: What is an opcode preffix?
JAVA: What is a try statement used for?
JAVA: What is a catch statement used for?
JAVA: What does the finally statement do?
JAVA: What is a thread?
JAVA: How many threads does a program have?
JAVA: What does the diagram for the interaction for the program and the hardware look like?
JAVA: Why do threads share resources?
JAVA: When do threads run?
JAVA: What are the four separate states for Java Threads?
(Hint: NRBD)
JAVA: What are the priorities levels for threads?
JAVA: How can you also throw an exception within a program?
JAVA: Can multiple threads be run at the same time?
JAVA: What does RPC stand for?
JAVA: What is the difference between a timer and a thread?
JAVA: What does the diagram for thread states look like?
JAVA: What is an RPC?
JAVA: When is an RPC initialised and when are the processes involved?
JAVA: What does RMI stand for?
JAVA: What is the purpose of RMI?
JAVA: What are the sequence of events during an RPC?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: What does memory hierarchy mean?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: What do the higher and lower layers contain?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: How does the memory manager efficiently manage memory?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: How can memory allocation be represented?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Describe the first fit memory allocation algorithm
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Describe the Next fit memory allocation algorithm
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Describe the Best fit memory allocation algorithm
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Describe the Worst fit memory allocation algorithm
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Describe the Quick fit memory allocation algorithm
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: What is pagination and page frames?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: What is the major issue with pagination?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: What are the contents of the page table contents?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: What are the three limitations to pagination?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: What is segmentation?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Describe the FIFO page replacement algorithm?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Describe the Second chance page replacement algorithm?
MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Describe the clock page replacement algorithm?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: What is the producer consumer problem?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: What does the producer do to the buffer
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: What can the consumer do to the buffer?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: What is a semaphore?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: What are the two operations for a semaphore?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: Why should semaphores be atomic?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: What is a mutex?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: How can semaphores be used to solve the deadlock problem?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: When does a deadlock occur for semaphores and how is it solved?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: What is a priority level scheduling algorithm for semaphores and what is the main problem with it?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: What is the shortest job next scheduler and what is the main consequence of it?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: What is the round robin scheduler?
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: What is a multi-level priority queue scheduler?
What is an operating system?
What is system software?