Created by Karima Ranieri
over 7 years ago
What did Nasser do in 1964?
What did the Arabs all agree on? What was their ultimate aim?
When was the Palestine Liberation Organisation set up?
What was the purpose of the PLO?
What was the Fatah group?
Who was it founded by and when?
Where were its bases?
When did Fatah carry out its first raid on Israel?
What did the government of Lebanon and Jordan try to do?
What was Syria in support of?
Why did Egypt not attack?
What happened in Syria in February 1966?
November 1966, what was signed?
What happened a week after the Egyptian-Syrian pact was signed?
How did the Israelis retaliate?
What happened in April 7th 1967?
In May 1967, what threats did Israel issue to Syria?
What happened on the 12th of May that became interpreted in the wrong way by Arabs?
Which superpower intervened?
Why did the Soviet Union intervene?
What did the Soviets warn the Egyptian government on the 13th May?
Was this true?
Why did the Soviets lie?
What steps did Nasser take with the pressures of the Arab world?
What happened on the 24th May 1967?
How did Israel respond to the situation?
Was Jordan to be involved in the war?
What happened on the 31st of May?
What happened on the 1st of June in Israel?
What happened on Monday the 5th of June?
The conflict and its results
Reasons for Israeli victory?
Which areas did Israel manage to occupy in June 1967?
How were the newly occupied territories a major benefit for Israel?
Who did the Arabs blame?
How did the Arabs in war benefit?
What was the UN Resolution 242?
Key Debate
Who was responsible for the outbreak of the Six-day War?
Points for Arab responsibility
Key Debate
Who was responsible for the outbreak of the Six-day War?
Points for Israeli responsibility