Created by Lauren Pardi
over 11 years ago
replacing incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs are. . .
What is the most expensive and energy wasteful to heat your house?
Which fossil fuel is usually the best?
the most common nuclear power in the U.S. is. . .
In fission the neutron is. . .
In fission the neutron is. . .
a moderator for fission is. . .
and what does it do?
controlling the number of neutrons will control. . .
control rods. . .
The uranium in these nuclear power plants can not be used to make a A-bomb because. . .
wanna build an A-bomb?
steam explosion is a. . .
Chernobyl 1986
Fukushima Daiiachi
explain Breeder reactors
describe plutonium
Passive Solar
Active solar uses. . .
Active solar uses. . .
super insulated homes can develop indoor air pollution-what should be done?
Solar Generated Electricity