Three reasons why someone may believe in God.
Name three things that may happen to a religious child growing up.
Why can a religious upbringing lead to belief in God?
Three religious experiences.
Other possible explanations for a religious experience.
Why would someone who has a religious experience believe in God?
What is the Argument from Cause and Effect?
Give two weaknesses of the Causation argument.
What is the Design argument?
Give two weaknesses in the design argument.
Three reasons why someone may not believe in God.
What is an unanswered prayer?
Two religious responses to unanswered prayers.
What is the Big Bang?
What is Evolution?
Two reasons that prove the Big Bang happened.
Two ways that Big Bang/Evolution show God may not exist.
How may religious people argue that you can have God and the Big Bang/Evolution?
What are the two types of evil?
What are the three things Christians believe about God?
Why do Christian beliefs about God cause a problem in the light of evil in general?
Why is moral evil a problem for believers?
Why is Natural Evil a problem for believers?
Two ways a Christian may respond to the problem of suffering/evil.