Created by Matt Barnes
over 7 years ago
Wing loading =
In headwind, max range is achieved when
In tailwind, max range is achieved when
Flying for best range in no wind
flying for best range
weight increased
Height for best range
Height and speed for max endurance
Which is larger?
Maximum Range speed
Maximum Endurance speed
what do flaps do
slats can increase coefficient of lift by
what do slats do
the gap between the slat and the wing is called a
slat graph for coefficient of lift
flaps graph for coefficient of lift
difference between flaps and slats
Retractable slats are deployed
Wing fences
wing fence diagram
What does a vortex generator aim to do (scientifically)
How do vortext generators do this
Benefits of vortex generators
Air aircraft of a certain weight is flown at 150kt IAS at 1000ft. If the same AC was flown at 150kt ISA at 20,000ft, the angle of attack req to maintain level flight would be
devises such as slats, slotted flaps and vortex generators act to modify the behavior of the
compared with nil wind conditions, a headwind component during cruise will
to achieve max range when a head or tail wind exists, the correct speed to use is
for two AC, identifical in every aspect f apart for gross weight, to achieve max range in nil conditions
Refer to qn 6. To use the least amount of fuel in a given distance for nil wind conditions, the ac must be flow
ignoring all other considerations, the theoretical heigh to fly a piston engine ac to achieve max range is
for an ac at a particular gross weight to maintain level flight at a particular height and IAS, a particular power setting is reqd. If gross weight is increased....
When flap is lowered on an aircraft in flight,
An ac is in straight and level flight at constant power. As weight reduces with fuel burn-off, level flight may be maintained by
Considering an aircraft maintaining straight and level flight at the speed which produces maximum endurance. If level flight is to be maintained,
In the lift equation, S represents
In the lift equation, p represents
The term 1/2pV^2 in the lift equation is most closely associated with
You are required to hold over an aerodrome to wait for fog to clear. To ensure the max possible holiding time available, you should fly
stall strips
In a climb
Diagram of
in climb
Max rate of climb is achieved with
Diagram for max rate of climb
As heigh increases, the power required for level flight at any particular speed
As weight increases, drag
As weight increases, power required
Effect of wind on rate of climb
Ground effect is found to a height
a conventional aircraft entereing ground effect on landing
Static vent error due to ground effect during landing
Ground effect and drag
Static vent error due to ground effect during Take Offf
Drag due to ground effect during take off
Ground effect during take off wwith aircraft behavior
In decent
In still air, gliding distance depends on.....
Best lift:drag ratio is found at
If weight is increased, what happens to glide range
Optimize glide range in headwind
Optimize glide range in tailwind
Effect of weight of AC in headwing when gliding
What is a sudden tailwind on approach called?
What is a sudden headwind on approach called?
Undershoot shear is commonly found
Sudden changes in wind speed and direction are commonly found in the vicinity of
Force acting towards the centre of a turn
Centripetal force eqn
Angle of Bank required for Turn radius
Need equations for the following
Need equation for
if you double v, at the same bank....
Need equation for
if you half v, at the same bank....
Bank angle
Stalling speed
Load Factors
theoretical description
Load factor mathematical eqn
Stalling speed
Load factor
The max load factor an AC can take is called
In a turn, very small increases in speed have
Load factor
When it comes to turning performacne, you must
Angle of bank reqd for Rate 1 Turn
The only factors that affect turning performance are
Effect of height on turning
Effect of wind in turn
Wind originating from the centre of turn, what is the effect
Wind originating from the outside of the turn, what is the effect
CLimbing and descending turns
As the angle of bank increases towarads 90 degress there is more ____ and less____
Go over Bob Tait stuff when understand FTA climbing and descending turns
Minimum Radius of Turn depends on
change Va with weight
Vno is where
Vfe is where
V that are not marked
Max angle of climb is achieved at
Max rate of climb is achieved at
Effect of weight on angle and rate of climb
effect of density on climb
defintiion of stall
When you get ground rush and pull up quickly and stall, this is called
Change in weight vs stall speed and stall angle
Increase in power
Stall speed
Flaps vs stall speed
CoF posn vs stall speed
Ideally, stall should begin near
FTA changing the wing AoA across the wing to controll stall
Spinning rotation
Balance ball in a spin
IAS in a spin
Spiral Dive IAS
Spin Recovery
Stability, by definition
Static Stability
Dynamic Stability
Stability in pitch is.... aka
Longitudinal Dihedral
Stability in Roll aka
Keel surface below CoG
Keel Surface above CoG
Lateral Stability and Sweepback
Stability in Yaw aka
Directional Stability, Destablizing moments
Directional Stability
Stabilizing moments are caused by
Which is weaker?
Lateral stability
Directional Stability
Spin Summary
Spin Recovery
Spiral Dive Summary