Created by Guilherme Benner Martelli
over 7 years ago
addition operator
subtraction operator
not operator
multiplication operator
division operator
modulus operator
Shift left operator
Shift Right Operator
zero fill shift right operator
What is the data type of x*y?
int x = 1;
long y = 33;
What is the data type of x+y?
double x = 39.21;
float y = 2.1;
What is the data type of x+y?
double x = 39.21;
float y = 2.1f;
What is the data type of x/y?
short x = 10;
short y = 3;
What is the data type of x*y/z?
short x = 14;
float y = 13f;
double z = 30;
boolean z != 0;
int x = 3;
int y = ++x*5/x--+--x;