Taleem ul Quran English Quiz week 139


Taleem Quran English by Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Created by TQ English Quiz about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The lack of concern for the Akhirah is the mother of all spiritual diseases.
  • True
  • False

Question 2

Each of these two Prophets had special qualities. Both of them promoted Tahweed in the midst of Shirk. Both of them were rewarded with immense amount of wealth .
  • True
  • False

Question 3

What is the root word and meaning of أَشْرَكْتُمْ?
  • ش ر ك - have associated
  • ش ك ر - have associated
  • ر ش ك - have associated

Question 4

What is the root word and meaning of قَدَرُو ?
  • ق د ر- to appraise, assess or know the value of something
  • ق و ر- to appraise, assess or know the value of something
  • ق د و - to appraise, assess or know the value of something

Question 5

How did people threatened Prophet Ibraheem AS? How did Prophet Ibraheem AS reacted?
  • The people threatened Prophet Ibraheem that if he didn’t worship their false gods he will be destroyed. Ibraheem `alayhi salaam said, among the proofs to the falsehood of your creed, is that these false gods that you worship do not bring about any effect, and I do not fear them or care about them. Therefore, if these gods are able to cause harm, then use them against me and do not give me respite. Ibraheem’s statement, “Unless my Lord should will something,” means only Allah causes benefit or harm. Allah’s knowledge encompasses all things and nothing escapes His complete observation.
  • The people threatened Prophet Ibraheem that if he didn’t worship their false gods he will be left alone in the city. Ibraheem `alayhi salaam said, among the proofs to the falsehood of your creed, is that these false gods that you worship do not bring about any effect, and I do not fear them or care about them. Therefore, if these gods are able to cause harm, then use them against me and do not give me respite. Ibraheem’s statement, “Unless my Lord should will something,” means only Allah causes benefit or harm. Allah’s knowledge encompasses all things and nothing escapes His complete observation.
  • The people threatened Prophet Ibraheem that if he didn’t worship their false gods he will be left alone in the city. Ibraheem `alayhi salaam said, among the proofs to the falsehood of your creed, is that these false gods that you worship do not bring about any effect, and I do fear them or care about them as a matter of respect that they are my fathers god. Therefore, if these gods are able to cause harm, then use them against me and do not give me respite. Ibraheem’s statement, “Unless my Lord should will something,” means only Allah causes benefit or harm. Allah’s knowledge encompasses all things and nothing escapes His complete observation.

Question 6

As per ayah 81 and 82, who can hope to be safe against punishment?
  • Only those who believe in Allah and then do not go on to mix up their faith with injustice shall be the people who can hope to be safe against punishment. They are the guided ones in this life and the Hereafter.
  • Only those who believe in Allah and then do not go on to mix up their faith with injustice shall be the people who can hope to be safe against punishment. They are the guided ones in the Hereafter.
  • Only those who believe in Allah and then do not go on to mix up their faith with injustice shall be the people who can hope to be safe against punishment. They are the guided ones in this life.

Question 7

What is one of the repetitive messages that Qur’an gives us?
  • Acquiring knowledge! Again and again we are reminded of the virtues of learning, acquiring knowledge, and contemplation. For indeed, this is what distinguishes a man from the crowd. After acquiring knowledge Qur’an reminds us through examples of the past that whatever skill that we have should be used in the “right” path. If Allah has blessed us with speech skills we should use that for eloquently presenting our Deen to others, for calling people to Islam, and for connecting people to Allah. If we are able to comprehend a matter correctly, we should not stop there but help others understand that as well.
  • Acquiring knowledge! Again and again we are reminded of the virtues of learning, acquiring knowledge, and contemplation. For indeed, this is what does not distinguishes a man from the crowd. After acquiring knowledge Qur’an reminds us through examples of the past that whatever skill that we have should be used in the “right” path. If Allah has blessed us with speech skills we should use that for eloquently presenting our Deen to others, for calling people to Islam, and for connecting people to Allah. If we are able to comprehend a matter correctly, we should not stop there but help others understand that as well.
  • Acquiring knowledge!is not very important we are reminded Again and again of the virtues of learning, acquiring knowledge, and contemplation. For indeed, this is what distinguishes a man from the crowd. After acquiring knowledge Qur’an reminds us through examples of the past that whatever skill that we have should be used in the “right” path. If Allah has blessed us with speech skills we should use that for eloquently presenting our Deen to others, for calling people to Islam, and for connecting people to Allah. If we are able to comprehend a matter correctly, we should not stop there but help others understand that as well.

Question 8

What does ayah 88 magnifies regarfing Shirk?
  • Ayah 88 magnifies the serious danger of Shirk by saying that even if the Prophets ever committed Shirk it would have nullified all the good that they had done. All their efforts would have become worthless. This indicates how severe Shirk is. That no matter who the person is, regardless of how righteous he has been his entire life all his deed will be wasted.
  • Ayah 88 magnifies the serious danger of Shirk by saying that even if the Prophets ever committed Shirk it would have nullified some part of their good that they had done. All their efforts would have become worthless. This indicates how severe Shirk is. That no matter who the person is, regardless of how righteous he has been his entire life all his deed will be wasted.
  • Ayah 88 magnifies the serious danger of Shirk by saying that only the Prophetswere exempted from committed Shirk, but if people did it would have nullified all the good that they had done. All their efforts would have become worthless. This indicates how severe Shirk is. That no matter who the person is, regardless of how righteous he has been his entire life all his deed will be wasted.
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