Diagnostic test


This test has the purpose of evaluate the English language knowledge of a young-adult student who is supposed to have the competences of the elementary level A1for example the basic tenses ( Present simple and continuous, and past simple and continuous), and varied vocabulary such as colors, countable and uncountables nouns (fruits and vegetables) animals and so on.
Dianyta Camacho
Quiz by Dianyta Camacho, updated more than 1 year ago
Dianyta Camacho
Created by Dianyta Camacho almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

My name is John Hi! Nice to meet you! My [blank_start]name[blank_end] is John Smith. I am 19 and a [blank_start]student[blank_end] in college. I go to college in New York. My favorite [blank_start]courses[blank_end] are Geometry, French, and History. English is my hardest course. My professors [blank_start]are[blank_end] very friendly and smart. It’s my second year in college now. I love it! I live in a big [blank_start]house[blank_end] on Ivy Street. It’s near the college campus. I share the house with three [blank_start]other[blank_end] students. Their names are Bill, Tony, and Paul. We help each other with homework. On the weekend, we [blank_start]play[blank_end] football together. I have a younger brother. He just [blank_start]started[blank_end] high school. He is 14 and [blank_start]lives[blank_end] with my parents. They live on Mulberry Street [blank_start]in[blank_end] Boston. Sometimes they visit me in New York. I am happy when they visit. My Mom always brings me sweets and candy when they come. I really miss them, too!
  • name
  • car
  • nickname
  • student
  • cooker
  • dog
  • Lessons
  • courses
  • activities
  • do
  • is
  • are
  • house
  • car
  • cabin
  • another
  • other
  • lazy
  • play
  • plays
  • played
  • started
  • start
  • star
  • lived
  • lives
  • live
  • in
  • on
  • over

Question 2

The caracter in the image is wearing a red coat
  • True
  • False

Question 3

The baby is brown skinned
  • True
  • False

Question 4

The girl has short hair
  • True
  • False

Question 5

Are there some grapes in the image?
  • True
  • False

Question 6

Look at the following image and mark the answers that are correct
  • The cheese is next to the bread
  • The boxes of juice are below the bread
  • The milk is on the top right
  • Sodas are between yogurt and tomatoes
  • Carrots are on the left of eggplants

Question 7

Read the list of ingredients for a Homemade PIzza. Choose the correct alternative on each case [blank_start]100g[blank_end] Self Raising Flour [blank_start]60ml[blank_end] Milk [blank_start]1 tbsp[blank_end] Olive Oil 1 tin of Chopped Tomatoes Sprinkle of Mixed Herbs [blank_start]Any[blank_end] Toppings you like! (Pepperoni, ham, peppers, onions, mushrooms, chicken, pineapple etc) Cheese, grated
  • 100
  • Some
  • a cup of
  • 6
  • 1 tbsp
  • 1 bottle of
  • Any
  • Many

Question 8

Yesterday I [blank_start]woke[blank_end] up late, it [blank_start]was[blank_end] seven o’clock .I got up quickly and went to the bathroom. I showered, [blank_start]brushed[blank_end] my teeth, dried my hair with a blow-dryer, and combed my hair. Then I [blank_start]went[blank_end] back to my room and got dressed .I went to the kitchen and [blank_start]had[blank_end] breakfast At 7:30 I left the house and [blank_start]took[blank_end] the train to go to school .The doorbell [blank_start]rang[blank_end] with a little delay (thankfully) at 8 o’clock! I had to be in front of the school at ten to 8! It was very important not to be late! The classes [blank_start]ended[blank_end] at one-thirty, as usual .I went walking to the station and caught the train again, I arrived home hungry, I ate and then I rested for an hour, I was exhausted. At four I started my homework. When I finished I went out to play with my friends. At 7 I dined with my family and then we [blank_start]saw[blank_end] a very interesting movie. I’m not going to tell you the plot. The movie ended at eleven. I went to bed at once, I was very sleepy. In fact, shortly after I was asleep.
  • wake
  • woke
  • waked
  • brushed
  • brushes
  • brush
  • were
  • wore
  • was
  • came
  • goed
  • went
  • had
  • have
  • has
  • taken
  • took
  • takes
  • rangs
  • rings
  • rang
  • ended
  • ends
  • end
  • sew
  • saw
  • seen
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