The path to the war of independence 1770-1775


A set of Random questions test knowledge
Quiz by meganledoare, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by meganledoare over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

When was lexington and concord?
  • 1775
  • 1770

Question 2

How many British troops were killed/wounded? How many Americans were killed/wounded?
  • 228 Br 30 US
  • 250 Br 90 US

Question 3

Who is Paul Revere?
  • An american who wrote anti-british articles and was arrested at Lexington and concord
  • He sounded the alert for Lexington to warn the minute-men

Question 4

What is the significance of Lexington and Concord?
  • It is considered the outbreak of conflict for the American Revolution and also showed the power of the militia when using guerrilla tactics
  • It showed the Americans would win because of the guerrilla tactics

Question 5

What is the Boston tea party
  • A group of Bostonians that opposed British importation of tea and taxation so they refused to consume the tea. (Boycott)
  • It was a group of men who dressed as Native Americans and went aboard an english ship carrying tea and threw £100 chests worth of tea overboard

Question 6

Boston massacre- who? what? why? consequences?
  • British fought the Bostonians and 20 people were killed, because the Bostonians weren't obeying the British punishment for the destroying of the cargo. (start of organised opposition)
  • Americans didn't like British militiary presence, British shot and killed 3 bostonians. Riots broke out and the town met to discuss the removal of British troops. Sons of Liberty used it as a demonstration of the battle for liberty. (Start of violent opposition)

Question 7

When was the Massachusetts Act put in place? What did it do? What are its effects?
  • 1773 Stopped Town meetings, council couldn't be elected, end of massachusetts constitution, Thomas Gage appointed, martial law suspended Bostonians dislike for government grew, assembly met in secret, americans saw it as a violation to their rights, led to 1st continental congress and committees of correspondence. There was an organised response to the Intolerable acts
  • 1774 Stopped Town meetings, council couldn't be elected, end of massachusetts constitution, Thomas Gage appointed, martial law suspended Bostonians dislike for government grew, assembly met in secret, americans saw it as a violation to their rights, led to 1st continental congress and committees of correspondence. There was an organised response to the Intolerable acts

Question 8

What was the Quebec Act? When? Effects?
  • Extended quebec boundaries recognised RC church Denied right of elected assembly 1774 Americans annoyed because they had fought for the land. Long standing religious tensions between protestants and RC. More in fear that it was a blueprint for America that they too would have no elected assembly.
  • Extended quebec boundaries recognised RC church Denied right of elected assembly 1778 Americans annoyed because they had fought for the land. Long standing religious tensions between protestants and RC. More in fear that it was a blueprint for America that they too would have no elected assembly.
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