1. When one learning a foreign language, the selection of a system [blank_start]one[blank_end]
2. of teaching becomes a calculation of time, money and it need. [blank_start]it[blank_end]
3. French learnt at school may be very enough to book a hotel room or [blank_start]very[blank_end]
4. shop in a supermarket but will not must be enough to [blank_start]must[blank_end]
5. understand and contribute on to a social conversation. [blank_start]on[blank_end]
6. Even the ability to mix socially leaves one far away from having a [blank_start]away[blank_end]
7. full understanding of a language and its usage. What there [blank_start]there[blank_end]
8. are the more best ways of learning a language? A book [blank_start]more[blank_end]
9. alone gives a limited guide to pronunciation, which it is [blank_start]it[blank_end]
10. essential to understanding and being understood. Students they [blank_start]they[blank_end]
11. keen on to learn should read newspapers, listen to the radio [blank_start]on[blank_end]
12. and to watch programmes in the target language. Of course, this is [blank_start]to[blank_end]
13. easier in the case of a European language than an obscure it [blank_start]it[blank_end]
14. language such as the Thai or Armenian. Ideally, students should the [blank_start]the[blank_end]
15. attend a class. Needless is to say, the establishment must [blank_start]is[blank_end]
16. be chosen carefully - language teaching attracts some every [blank_start]every[blank_end]
17. dishonest people who they want to get rich quick. [blank_start]they[blank_end]