Science 10 Unit 2 - Physics MEGA QUIZ


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Riley Babuik
Quiz by Riley Babuik, updated more than 1 year ago
Riley Babuik
Created by Riley Babuik over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is the Phlogiston Theory and when was it created?
  • Similar to previous theory, but states that it doesn't have mass. It cannot be created nor destroyed. lt flows from warm to cold substances; late 1700s
  • Heat is a fluid known as phlogiston, flows between different objects as "heat". This was disproved because it would mean heat has mass, which it doesn't.; 1700s
  • Heat is a form of energy and can be converted to different forms (kinetic, chemical, etc.). Specific heat capacity was created at this time; 1800s
  • The more particles move, the more thermal energy is created. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed and it comes in many forms; modern day

Question 2

What is the Caloric Theory and when was it created?
  • Similar to previous theory, but states that it doesn't have mass. It cannot be created nor destroyed. lIt flows from warm to cold substances; late 1700s
  • Heat is a fluid known as phlogiston, flows between different objects as "heat". This was disproved because it would mean heat has mass, which it doesn't; 1700s
  • Heat is a form of energy and can be converted to different forms (kinetic, chemical, etc.). Specific heat capacity was created at this time; 1800s
  • The more particles move, the more thermal energy is created. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed and it comes in many forms; modern day

Question 3

What did Count Rumford find out and when?
  • The more particles move, the more thermal energy is created. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed and it comes in many forms; modern day
  • Heat is a fluid known as phlogiston, flows between different objects as "heat". This was disproved because it would mean heat has mass, which it doesn't; 1700s
  • Similar to previous theory, but states that it doesn't have mass. It cannot be created nor destroyed. lIt flows from warm to cold substances; late 1700s
  • Heat is a form of energy and can be converted to different forms (kinetic, chemical, etc.). Specific heat capacity was created at this time; 1800s

Question 4

What is the Kinetic Molecular theory and when was it created?
  • Heat is a fluid known as phlogiston, flows between different objects as "heat". This was disproved because it would mean heat has mass, which it doesn't; 1700s
  • Heat is a form of energy and can be converted to different forms (kinetic, chemical, etc.). Specific heat capacity was created at this time; 1800s
  • Similar to previous theory, but states that it doesn't have mass. It cannot be created nor destroyed. lIt flows from warm to cold substances; late 1700s
  • The more particles move, the more thermal energy is created. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed and it comes in many forms; modern day

Question 5

Heat is the [blank_start]total[blank_end] kinetic energy of the particles. Temperature is the [blank_start]average[blank_end] kinetic energy of the particles.
  • total
  • average
  • product of the
  • sum of the
  • average
  • total
  • sum of the
  • product of the

Question 6

Check all the units that heat is measured in:
  • Kilojoules
  • Joules
  • Celcius
  • Farenhiet
  • Kelvin

Question 7

Check all of the units that temperature is measured in:
  • Farenhiet
  • Celcius
  • Joules
  • Kilojoules
  • Kelvin

Question 8

Someone moved an object. They applied a force of 12 N and it moved 800 cm. What was the work being done on the object?
  • 9600 J
  • 960 J
  • 96 J
  • 9.6 J

Question 9

It took 1300 J to move an object 3.2 m. What was the force applied?
  • 2.4615 x 10(-3) N
  • 406.25 N
  • 4.0625 N
  • 4160 N

Question 10

Someone is holding a suitcase above the ground and walking down the flat hallway. Work is being applied in this situation.
  • True
  • False

Question 11

Check all that are scalar quantities:
  • Distance
  • Time
  • Speed
  • Velocity
  • Acceleration
  • Displacement

Question 12

Check all that are vector quantities:
  • Displacement
  • Distance
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Velocity
  • Time

Question 13

An object moved 500 m in 3 seconds, what is the object's speed?
  • 167 m/s
  • 1.66 m/s
  • 0.6 m/s
  • 0.006 m/s

Question 14

- Displacement is [blank_start]the shortest distance[blank_end] between two points - Distance is [blank_start]any path[blank_end] between two points - With vector quantities, North, East and Up are [blank_start]POSITIVE[blank_end] directions, while South, West and Down are [blank_start]NEGATIVE[blank_end] directions
  • the shortest distance
  • the longest path
  • any path
  • any path
  • the longest distance
  • the shortest distance
  • positive
  • negative
  • scalar
  • vector
  • negative
  • positive
  • vector
  • scalar

Question 15

Point 1 is at 8.0 m[N] and point 2 is at 3.0 m [S]. I ride my bike and it takes 4.5 seconds to go from point 1 to point 2. What is my bike's velocity?
  • - 2.44 m/s
  • 2.44 m/s
  • 0.36 m/s
  • - 0.36 m/s

Question 16

I start speeding up on a highway. At first, I am going 40 km/h[E] and after 5 seconds I make it to 95 k/m[E]. What is my acceleration?
  • 39855 km/h(2)
  • 39855072 km/h(2)
  • 39855 m/s(2)
  • 39855072 m/s(2)

Question 17

Kinetic energy is the energy of [blank_start]MOVEMENT[blank_end] Potential energy is [blank_start]STORED[blank_end] energy: - [blank_start]Elastic[blank_end] potential energy is when an object is bend/compressed and has stored energy to return to its original shape - [blank_start]Chemical[blank_end] potential energy is the stored energy in the bonds of chemicals - [blank_start]Gravitational[blank_end] potential energy is the stored energy from the attraction between two objects Mass is measured in [blank_start]kg[blank_end] and is the [blank_start]amount of space something takes up[blank_end]. Weight is the [blank_start]mass + gravity[blank_end].
  • movement
  • light
  • chemical bonds
  • air waves
  • stored
  • chemically bonded
  • invisible
  • Elastic
  • Chemical
  • Gravitational
  • Chemical
  • Elastic
  • Gravitational
  • Gravitational
  • Elastic
  • Chemical
  • kg
  • L
  • mL
  • N
  • amount of space something takes up
  • amount of space + gravity
  • amount of energy something has
  • amount of space + gravity
  • amount of space something takes up
  • amount of energy something has

Question 18

Some rules of energy: - [blank_start]No[blank_end] machine is 100% efficient - Energy [blank_start]cannot[blank_end] be [blank_start]created nor destroyed[blank_end], only [blank_start]transferred[blank_end]
  • No
  • Some
  • All
  • cannot
  • can
  • created nor destroyed
  • created
  • destroyed
  • converted
  • transferred
  • created and destroyed
  • created
  • destroyed

Question 19

What are the energy conversions in this situation? A diver jumps off a spring board into the water below.
  • Chemical > Elastic > Gravitational > Kinetic
  • Kinetic > Gravitational > Elastic > Chemical
  • Gravitation > Chemical > Kinetic > Elastic
  • Gravitational > Elastic > Kinetic > Chemical

Question 20

A 2kg ball is held above a table. It is 0.30 m above the table, and the table is 300 cm above the ground. What is the ball's gravitational potential energy relative to the ground?
  • 64.746 J
  • 7445.8 J
  • 64746 J
  • 7.4458 J

Question 21

A 4.2 kg ball was thrown and moved 0.7 m/s. What is the ball's kinetic energy?
  • 2.058 J
  • 1.029 J
  • 2.940 J
  • 1.470 J

Question 22

Label the Pendulum with the different forms of energy present.
  • All gravitational, no kinetic
  • All kinetic, no gravitational
  • 50/50 gravitational and kinetic
  • 50/50 gravitational and kinetic
  • All kinetic, no gravitational
  • All gravitational, no kinetic
  • 50/50 gravitational and kinetic
  • All kinetic, no gravitational
  • All gravitational, no kinetic

Question 23

A car takes in 12000 J of chemical energy to run. 8900 J is converted to kinetic energy to make the wheels turn. What is the efficiency of this machine?
  • 0.742 %
  • 74.2 %
  • 7.42%
  • 742%

Question 24

Someone drops a 23 kg rock down a cliff. The cliff is 400 m high. If the rock has 89,000 J of kinetic energy when breaking apart at the bottom, how much energy is converted to other forms?
  • 0.986 %
  • 98.6 %
  • 1.38 %
  • 0.014 %
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