AP World History Test 1-3


Quiz on AP World History Test 1-3, created by Christine Baticados on 13/12/2015.
Christine Baticados
Quiz by Christine Baticados, updated more than 1 year ago
Christine Baticados
Created by Christine Baticados almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is not meant by culture?
  • shared religious beliefs
  • similar values
  • shared biological characteristics
  • material objects such as dwellings, clothing and tools
  • learned patterns of expression and action

Question 2

The NEOLITHIC era is associated with which of the following?
  • the start of a bilateral trade system
  • the rise of agriculture
  • an architectural hallmark when people lived in buildings instead of caves
  • making large rock formations like Stonehenge for religious purposes
  • making tools out of materials including metal

Question 3

One of the most important breakthroughs which ushered in agriculture in Mesopotamia was...
  • construction of canals to bring water to distant fields
  • the region's high annual rainfall
  • the introduction of wheat crops
  • large numbers of animals for fertilizer
  • a highly motivated work force

Question 4

Mesopotamian gods were anthropomorphic; that is, they...
  • took form as the elements of nature
  • were imagined to be humanlike in form and conduct
  • appeared in the bodies of kings on earth
  • were divine and perfect beings
  • were omniscient

Question 5

The abundance of amulets in Mesopotamia suggests...
  • that the society was extremely materialistic
  • the large quantity of semiprecious stones available
  • that Mesopotamian artisans were very skilled
  • widespread belief in the value of magic
  • the egalitarian nature of Mesopotamian religion

Question 6

The culture that developed in Egypt was unique largely because of...
  • Egypt's interaction with other civilizations
  • Egypt's natural isolation and essential self-sufficiency
  • Egyptian dominance in metalworking
  • Egypt's surplus agricultural production and trade
  • Egypt's large population

Question 7

Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley civilizations were all
  • based on fertile floodplains and river valleys
  • made possible by large agricultural surpluses
  • derived from an earlier, as yet undiscovered, "watershed" civilization
  • based on beer brewing and female labor
  • wiped out by a huge drought

Question 8

Which of the following was probably NOT one of the components of the "systems failure" that brought down the Indus Valley cities?
  • That the Hakra River system dried up
  • that invaders from the north and east drove out the inhabitants
  • Massive flooding
  • salinization of farmland
  • increased erosion

Question 9

In order to discover more specific information about the social structure of Indus Valley civilizations, what needs to be done?
  • shared knowledge with other archeologists and historians
  • the writing of the civilization must be deciphered
  • carbon dating of artifacts
  • analysis of exhumed bodies
  • all of these.

Question 10

The Hyksos were able to conquer Egypt because they had...
  • horse-drawn chariots carrying archers with composite bows
  • iron weapons
  • control of the Nile Delta region, so they could restrict irrigation to Egyptian agriculture
  • massive armed forces from a consolidated army of the Near East
  • superior administrative organization

Question 11

The epic poem of Homer, The Iliad, related the story of a war between the Greeks and the Hittites, based on the ten year siege and eventual destruction of the city of:
  • Athens
  • Lydia
  • Hattusha
  • Catal Huyuk
  • Troy

Question 12

Which of the following is not one of the reasons that the Assyrians were able to conquer vast territories?
  • they had a large army of half a million men
  • they used iron weapons
  • they created a corps of professional soldiers
  • they had engineers who developed machines to besiege fortified towns
  • they had accomplished and wily diplomats

Question 13

Which of the following poses a problem for interpreting the history of the early Israelites from the Bible?
  • hey were pastoralists who did not write down their history for nearly 1000 years
  • the Bible was written for religious, not historical, purposes
  • the Hebrew Bible was written in several phases by different people
  • Hebrew civilization was interrupted by conquest several times
  • These are all problematic

Question 14

The Phoenicians developed a system of writing based on consonants, and the vowel sounds added by this group resulted in a complete alphabet writing system
  • Chinese
  • Egyptians
  • Greeks
  • Babylonians
  • Turks

Question 15

The foreign policy of the Carthaginian state...
  • was neglected by the Phoenecian Empire
  • was restricted by its more powerful neighbors
  • reflected an interest in protecting the sea trade
  • was constantly overturned by Greek powers
  • was based on Assyrian models

Question 16

During the Shang period, ancestor worship became important because...
  • ancestors had special influence with the gods
  • it was a way of spreading Chinese rule to other East Asian societies
  • ancestors were necessary to ensure the birth of male children
  • matrilineal descent was important for fertility
  • it allowed people to cliam specific inheritance of property

Question 17

The Mandate of Heaven meant that the ruler retained the right to rule as long as...
  • he remained the strongest in the kingdom
  • he remained a wise and principled guardian of his people
  • he performed the correct ritual sacrifices
  • he produced a male heir
  • he kept the loyalty of the military

Question 18

To Confucius, the fundamental element of society was the...
  • king
  • city
  • maintenance of tradition
  • characteristic of respect
  • family

Question 19

The greatest rival of Confucianism was:
  • Daoism
  • Confucianism
  • Legalism
  • Moism
  • Rationalism

Question 20

Which of the following is not one of the ways that Confucian philosophy attempts to create societal harmony?
  • By emphasizing the idea that the country is parallel to the famil
  • by expanding the traditional feelings of benevolence toward family so that they apply to all of humanity
  • by avoiding violence and promoting justice, loyalty, and dignity
  • by emphasizing the goodness of human nature and seeking to promote it through education, particularly of public officials
  • By emphasizing individual freedoms

Question 21

Confucius' writings were handed down orally for several generations before it as compiled in written form as:
  • "Book of Documents"
  • "Book of Songs"
  • "Book of Changes"
  • "Analects"

Question 22

The later Eastern Zhou period is characterized by
  • warfare and fragmentation of central order
  • invasion from the north
  • extension of trade via the Silk Road
  • a conservative government under a Legalist system
  • ren, or "humaneness," of the government toward its citizens

Question 23

The fundamental idea of Daoism can be summarized as..
  • accepting the world as you find it, avoiding useless struggles, and adhering to the "path" of nature
  • unquestioning obedience to authority and reverence for structure brings success
  • emphasizing aggressive action and radical change
  • emphasizing communal action to promote the betterment of society
  • technological and social progress can solve all social skills

Question 24

The concept of yin and yang represented the complementary nature of...
  • religion and the state in Chinese society
  • good and evil in Chinese morality
  • male and female roles in the natural order
  • the wisdom of age and the strength of youth
  • warrior and emperor in times of trouble

Question 25

How did Nubia become a "corridor" for long-distance trade before 3000 BCE?
  • Government policies carefully regulated and promoted trade
  • Egypt built a river highway for the passage of gods
  • Nubia had no natural resources of its own and so needed to import them
  • It connected sub-Saharan Africa with North Africa
  • Actually, Nubia never did participate in the African trade networks, preferring isolationism

Question 26

Which of the following is true of Egyptian cultural influence on Nuba?
  • Nubian child hostages learned the Egyptian culture, religion and language
  • Nubians served as archers in the Egyptian armed forces and so learned Egyptian culture
  • Nubians traded for Egyptian goods
  • Nubians built Egyptian-style towns and temples to Egyptian gods and goddesses
  • All of the above

Question 27

Druids were...
  • Celtic priests in Gaul and Britain
  • keepers of henges
  • the warrior elite of Germanic lands
  • spell-casters who ate human hearts
  • we don't know

Question 28

Celtic women...
  • never contributed property to a marriage
  • had no freedom in their secual relations
  • could inherit their husbands' estates
  • were regular combatants on the battlefield
  • were considered more "royal" than men

Question 29

Unlike other ancient cultures in Europe and western Asia, Celts believed in...
  • the belief in afterlife for everyone, rather than just for the elite
  • human sacrifice
  • more than 400 nature-based gods and goddesses
  • fertility cults with an emphasis on feminine religious poer
  • the belief in reincarnation
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