Lesson 1 Quiz 3


TQEnglish 2014
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Created by TQ English Quiz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

" الم " are Huruf-e- [blank_start]Muqatta'aat[blank_end].
  • Muqatta'aat
  • Mutta'aat

Question 2

Choose the root word for " رَيْبَ "
  • ر ي ي
  • ر ي ب
  • ي ي ب

Question 3

What is the technical meaning of the word TAQWA ?
  • To protect and guide oneself from the punishment of Allah, by doing what he has commanded and not staying away from what he has forbidden.
  • To protect oneself from the punishment of Allah, by not doing what he has commanded and not staying away from what he has forbidden.
  • To protect oneself from the punishment of Allah, by doing what he has commanded and staying away from what he has forbidden.

Question 4

Mentioned any 3 characteristics of a Muttaqi person described in these Ayah ( Surah Al Baqarah Ayah 3 & 4) ?
  • They believe in the unseen.
  • They not a believer.
  • They establish the prayer.
  • They not spend in the way of Allah out of what is .
  • They believe in that which is revealed to Prophet (ﷺ).

Question 5

What is the technical meaning of "Emaan" ? ( Mentioned any 3 )
  • Emaan bil Tasdeeq - Acknowledgement of the truthfulness
  • Emaan bil Tasdeeq - Acknowledgement of the pureness
  • Emaan bil Qubool - Acceptance of the truth
  • Emaan bil Qubool - Acceptance of the trustworthiness
  • Emaan bil iz'aan - Submission to the truth

Question 6

Choose the root words of " يُقِيمُونَ ".
  • قم و م
  • ق و م
  • ق و م م

Question 7

[blank_start]Ghaib ( الْغَيْبِ )[blank_end] includes everything that Allah has informed us about, but we can neither see it or hear it. Believing in it is the foundation of Eemaan and Taqwa.
  • Ghaib ( الْغَيْبِ )
  • Dunya ( الْغَيْبِ )

Question 8

Iqaamat us Salah (يُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَاةَ ; Establishing the prayer) means is the way in which Prophet (ﷺ) taught us to pray, includes four things: 1) Performing Salah consistently 2) Performing Salah in the prescribed time. 3) In the prescibed manner (i.e) - With wuzu - With proper hijab - Facing the Qibla - Pillars of Salah should be there(Surah Al-fatiha, ruku, sajda, qiyaam etc) - With Khushu etc 4) In congregation (for men specifically) ( True / False )
  • True
  • False

Question 9

ذَٰلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لَا رَيْبَ ۛ فِيهِ ۛ الْكِتَابُ in this verse refers to ___________.
  • Taurat
  • Injeel
  • Any Islamic Book
  • Qur'an
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