The Cold War-1960


from the 500 questions book
Elizabeth BeHage
Quiz by Elizabeth BeHage, updated more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth BeHage
Created by Elizabeth BeHage almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The four major aspects of President Harry Truman's foreign policy during his second term included all of the following EXCEPT
  • support for and full participation in the United Nations
  • the funding and building of a cache of nuclear weapons
  • a pledge to defend the West against Communist aggression
  • continuation of Marshall Plan aid to Europe
  • scientific and industrial aid to developing nations

Question 2

The founding goals of the United Nations include all of the following EXCEPT
  • to avoid war
  • to protect human rights
  • to uphold international agreements
  • to promote social progress
  • to end the need for individual national governments

Question 3

Which nation was NOT awarded a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, along with the United States?
  • China
  • France
  • Great Britain
  • India
  • Soviet Union

Question 4

Which statement does NOT characterize American society between 1945 and 1960?
  • A significant number of people (mostly white) migrated from major cities to commuter suburbs.
  • There was a surge in the number of college graduates, both male and female.
  • Ownership of television sets and automobiles rose to near-universal levels.
  • Massive antiwar demonstrations took place in the streets of major cities.
  • Women left the workforce in large numbers to stay home and raise children.

Question 5

The Truman Doctrine of 1947 pledged that the United States would
  • support any nation in danger of being taken over by hostile forces
  • enforce regime change on any nation that did not have a republican government
  • break off diplomatic relations with all Communist nations
  • impose a trade embargo on all Communist nations
  • institute full racial integration of the armed forces across all ranks

Question 6

Which was NOT one reason why so many American women left the workforce in the postwar era?
  • Giving hiring preference to returning veterans was considered patriotic.
  • Married women who worked outside their homes were considered selfish.
  • Most employers were male as preferred to hire men rather than women.
  • Society pressured married couples to have larger families.
  • More and more women were attending college.

Question 7

When the Cold War began, the United States had all these advantages over the Soviet Union EXCEPT
  • a more prosperous economy
  • a larger population
  • a far lower casualty total from World War 2
  • no physical damage to its land or cities
  • greater military strength

Question 8

Which of the following was established after World War 2 as an international peacekeeping organization?
  • the League of Nations
  • the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • the Quadruple Alliance
  • the United Nations
  • the Warsaw Pact

Question 9

The political technique known as McCarthyism is best defined as
  • freely and fully debating serious issues with one's political opponents
  • taking one's campaign for national or state office into remote rural areas and small towns
  • deliberately slandering one's political opponents with false accusations
  • using television and radio to plead one's political case directly to the voters
  • distracting one's political opponents with a mass of numerical statistics and data

Question 10

The GI Bill of Rights significantly altered American society by
  • admitting women to the US military and naval academies
  • making it possible for millions of veterans to attend college
  • racially integrating the armed forces
  • guaranteeing civilian employment to all veterans
  • creating the federal Department of Veterans Affairs

Question 11

Which does NOT describe the philosophy behind the beatnik movement in Ameican literature of the 1950s
  • rejection of material comforts and financial security as the highest goals of a society
  • refusal to participate in the world of nine-to-five jobs
  • belief in sexual freedom, both in life and in artistic expression
  • support for a major fundamentalist religious revival and a return to spiritual values
  • rejection of both capitalist and Communist economic and societal structures

Question 12

Marshall Plan aid was intended, over the long term, to enable European nations to do all of the following EXCEPT
  • to lower tariffs and thus increase international trade
  • to achieve economic self-sufficiency
  • to stabilize national currencies
  • to increase manufacturing and industry
  • to pursue sound economic policices

Question 13

Communist Party candidates went through all the following steps to take over the nations of Eastern Europe after 1945 EXCEPT
  • temporarily forming coalitions with other political parties
  • gaining individual positions of influence in the bureaucracy, police, and armed forces
  • carrying out campaigns of brutal intimidation against all political opponents
  • acquiring a political base by pretending that they were not Communists
  • imposing totalitarian rule and banning all non-Communist political parties

Question 14

Paul Robeson is a significant figure in US history for his achievements in all of the following areas EXCEPT
  • athletics
  • military service
  • music
  • political activism
  • theater and film

Question 15

Why did the United States take part in the Korean War?
  • to prevent the establishment of a strong and united Korea
  • to contain the potential spread of Communism
  • to intimidate the Soviet Union with a display of military power
  • to restore the Japanese to power in Korea
  • to restore the Chinese to power in Korea

Question 16

Leaders on both sides of the Cold War supported the partition of Germany into two independent nations because they
  • believed that Germany's economic and military status was the key to the strength of Europe as a whole
  • were afraid that a weak or neutral Germant might swing the balance in the Cold War to the enemy side
  • we're afraid that a strong, United Germany might once again threaten world peace and security
  • could not forgive Germany for having caused two major wars of aggression within 50 years
  • we're secretly afraid that the forces of Nazism would rise again despite the defeat of 1945

Question 17

Which result of World War 2 did NOT contribute significantly to the swift rise of Communist rule in Eastern Europe?
  • death or emigration of many professionals, intellectuals, and merchants that opened up opportunities for others to take their places
  • the often-brutal behavior of the Soviet troops on the March through Eastern Europe toward Berlin
  • improvement in industrial output and capacity due to years of wartime production
  • wartime increase in hands-on government control of various businesses and industries
  • the wartime breakdown of normal social and class ranks and many social institutions

Question 18

What did the postwar change in women's fashion, known as the "New Look," suggest about a woman's role in 1950s society?
  • that she was a youthful, dynamic free spirit
  • that she had become a strong, independent individual
  • that she should return to the traditional roles of wife and homemaker
  • that she had acquired a new authority both in the home and outside
  • that she was in rebellion against conservative society

Question 19

Which was NOT one effect of the development of atomic technology on everyday life in the United States?
  • It led school boards to call for more math and science classes.
  • It contributed to the popularity of science-fiction literature and movies
  • It led to widespread fears of a nuclear attack on the United States.
  • It reinforced American opposition to involvement in world affairs.
  • It caused businesses, schools, and individuals to build or designate fallout shelters

Question 20

Which does NOT help explain the post- World War 2 baby boom?
  • Economic prosperity and high employment made the 1950s a good time to raise a family.
  • Society championed the nuclear family as evidence of US superiority over the Communist system.
  • The GI Bill have many young couples the means to marry and raise families.
  • Improvements in nutrition and medical science meant that many more babies survived infancy.
  • Protest movement such as the beatniks and the Civil Rights movement began in the postwar years.

Question 21

Which best describes the intended beneficiaries of the Marshall Plan?
  • all the Communist nations of Europe
  • all the freely elected republics of Europe
  • all nations that had fought on the Allied side in the war
  • all the nations of Europe
  • all the nations that had fought in the war on either side

Question 22

Which best describes the provisions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) of 1949?
  • Each member nation would treat an attack on any of the others as an attack on itself.
  • Member nations would pool their economic resources to rebuild Europe.
  • Member nations would establish a common arsenal of atomic weapons for their mutual defense if necessary.
  • Member nations agreed to support insurrection against oppression anywhere it arose in the world.
  • Member nations would trade freely with one another, eliminating all tariffs and other trade barriers.

Question 23

Which was NOT among the issues facing voters in the 1948 presidential election?
  • higher prices
  • higher taxes
  • unemployment
  • tension between labor and management
  • national security

Question 24

Winston Churchill used the term 'Iron Curtain' to refer to
  • the western border of the Soviet Uniom
  • the Berlin Wall
  • the border between Western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe
  • the border between North and South Vietnam
  • the border between Communist China and the Soviet Union

Question 25

Which of the following was one motive for the Allied occupation of Germany and Berlin in 1945?
  • to help the Germans rearm and reorganize their military forces
  • to include the German leaders in plans being made for the United Nations
  • to humiliate and punish Germany in retaliation for its aggression under Hitler
  • to divide Germany into two independent, self-governing nations
  • to wipe out all remaining elements of Nazism and the Nazi Party

Question 26

Edward R. Murrow is a significant figure of the Cold War era in the field of
  • international politics
  • investigative journalism
  • law
  • the military
  • science

Question 27

What was the purpose of the Berlin Airlift?
  • to provide transportation for East Germans wishing to defect to the West
  • to bomb strategic locations in and around Berlin
  • to unite the three Allied zones of Berlin into one zone for administrative and security purposes
  • to drive the Soviet officials out of East Berlin and thence out of East Germany
  • to bring food and supplies into West Berlin in defiance of a Soviet/ East German blockade

Question 28

Which best describes the outcome of the Korean War?
  • It was a victory for Communist North Korea.
  • It was a victory for democratic South Korea.
  • It resulted in a Chinese takeover of a united Korea.
  • It resulted in an independent united Korea.
  • It resulted in two independent Koreas, one Communist and one democratic.

Question 29

All of the following are characteristic of the rise of Communist states in Eastern Europe and China EXCEPT
  • the use of propaganda that promotes Party ideology
  • the crushing of any opposition party
  • the support of the middle class
  • Party control of all news media
  • a violent overthrow of the previous government

Question 30

What was the result of US and Soviet intervention into the former Belgian colony of the Congo?
  • Nationalist leader Patrice Lumumba was assassinated and civil war broke out.
  • Belgian troops of occupation withdrew from the Congo.
  • United Nations officials supervised democratic elections in the Congo.
  • Belgium granted protectorate status to the Congo with United Nations approval.
  • The Congo broke up into two independent states along ethnic and tribal lines.
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