Virtual Teacher Training Quiz: Getting Started


Odysseyware Virtual Teacher Training
Jessica Powell
Quiz by Jessica Powell, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Powell
Created by Jessica Powell about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Whom do you contact with questions about the new hire course?
  • Academic Resource Specialist: Jessica Powell
  • Recruitment Coordinator: Kalli Falkner
  • Your Instructional Supervisor
  • I don't contact anyone. I do it all on my own.

Question 2

When does a part time (PT) or enrollment base (EBT) teacher log into DayForce?
  • PT/EBT teachers log into DayForce all day long and leave it up.
  • PT/EBT teachers log into DayForce when I am actively working (including when I work on training).
  • PT/EBT teachers only log into DayForce for the New Hire Training course.
  • PT/EBT teachers only log into DayForce during my scheduled office hours.

Question 3

Whom do PT/EBT teachers contact if missing a DayForce punch in/out?
  • Instructional Supervisor
  • Academic Resource Specialist
  • Recruitment Coordinator
  • I wouldn't contact anyone.

Question 4

(Select all that apply) In order to best support our students, what technical requirements must be met?
  • 5 Mbps download speed/2 Mbps upload speed minimum (10 Mbps download/2+ Mbps upload recommended)
  • Must be a computer (not a tablet or tablet-like device like Chromebooks)
  • Cannot have a Mac, must be a PC
  • Cable or DSL connection (no satellite, cellular, jetpacks, microwave or wireless repeater)
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