Chapter 4


Ryan Tram
Quiz by Ryan Tram, updated more than 1 year ago
Ryan Tram
Created by Ryan Tram almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Why do astronomers build radio telescopes?
  • Radio waves give a different view of the universe
  • Radio waves from space reach the Earth’s surface
  • Radio telescopes can detect signals from aliens
  • Radio telescopes can be much larger than optical telescopes

Question 2

What type of telescope is most likely to suffer from chromatic aberration and have a low light-gathering power?
  • a small diameter reflecting telescope
  • a large diameter reflecting telescope
  • a small diameter refracting telescope
  • a large diameter refracting telescope

Question 3

When does chromatic aberration occur in a telescope?
  • when different colours of light do not focus at the same point in a reflecting telescope
  • when different colours of light do not focus at the same point in a refracting telescope
  • when light of different wavelengths gets absorbed by the mirror in a reflecting telescope
  • when light of different wavelengths gets absorbed by the lens in a refracting telescope

Question 4

What type of telescope is a radio telescope?
  • reflecting
  • refracting
  • deflecting
  • retracting

Question 5

What type of telescope has a lens as its objective and contains no mirrors?
  • deflecting
  • reflecting
  • refracting
  • compound

Question 6

How is the objective of most radio telescopes similar to the objective of a reflecting optical telescope?
  • They are both bowl-shaped (concave)
  • They are both hill-shaped (convex)
  • They are typically the same size
  • They are both made of metal

Question 7

What type of primary is found in a reflecting telescope?
  • prism
  • mirror
  • lens
  • diffraction grating

Question 8

You point your backyard reflecting telescope at the star Vega. Where does Vega’s light go?
  • from the primary mirror, to the secondary mirror, to the eyepiece
  • from the primary mirror to the eyepiece
  • through the primary lens, to the secondary mirror, to the eyepiece
  • through the primary lens, through the secondary lens, to the eyepiece

Question 9

Which of the following best explains the concept of atmospheric windows?
  • Holes in the Earth’s atmosphere allow ultraviolet radiation to reach the North and South poles
  • X-ray radiation from space can see through the atmosphere to observe activities on the ground
  • Only certain wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation from space reach the Earth’s surface
  • The Earth’s atmosphere can be “closed” or “open” to electromagnetic radiation, depending on the weather

Question 10

What is the main reason for building large optical telescopes?
  • It’s the best way to see through clouds and other light-absorbers in the atmosphere
  • It’s the best way to collect as much light as possible from faint objects
  • It’s the best way to nullify the blurring effects of the Earth’s atmosphere and thus produce higher resolution images
  • It’s the best way to magnify objects and make them brighter

Question 11

An astronomer takes two pictures of the same object using the Hubble Space Telescope. One picture is taken with red light and one with blue light. Which one would you expect to show finer details?
  • Blue light will show finer details
  • Red light will show finer details
  • Both should be the same
  • The amount of detail depends on the distance to the object

Question 12

Which property of a telescope determines its light-gathering power?
  • the focal length of the objective
  • the focal length of the eyepiece
  • the diameter of the objective
  • the length of the telescope tube

Question 13

What is the light-gathering power of a telescope directly proportional to?
  • the diameter of the primary mirror or lens
  • the focal length of the primary mirror or lens
  • the length of the telescope tube
  • the diameter of the eyepiece

Question 14

Why can’t a telescope image be magnified to show any level of detail?
  • Diffraction limits the amount of detail that is visible
  • Telescopes only view a small region of the sky
  • Magnification depends on focal length
  • Resolving power depends on wavelength

Question 15

Which of the following has the most light-gathering power?
  • a telescope of 5 centimeters diameter and focal length of 50 centimeters
  • a telescope of 6 centimeters diameter and focal length of 100 centimeters
  • a telescope of 2 centimeters diameter and focal length of 100 centimeters
  • a telescope of 3 centimeters diameter and focal length of 75 centimeters

Question 16

How is the resolving power of a telescope defined?
  • It is a measure of the minimum angular separation that can be seen with the telescope
  • It is a measure of the amount of light that the telescope can gather in one second
  • It is the separation between the objective and the image
  • It is a measure of how blurry objects appear in the telescope

Question 17

What happens to a telescope’s light-gathering power and resolving power when you increase its diameter?
  • Its light-gathering power and resolving power both increase
  • Its light-gathering power increases and its resolving power decreases
  • Its light-gathering power decreases and its resolving power increases
  • Its light-gathering power and resolving power both decrease

Question 18

What can be done to improve the resolving power of ground-based optical telescopes?
  • Use them at longer wavelengths
  • Equip them with an adaptive optics system
  • Change them from reflectors to refractors
  • Increase their focal length

Question 19

The pupil of the human eye is approximately 0.8 centimeters in diameter when adapted to the dark. What is the ratio of the light-gathering power of a 1.6 meter telescope to that of the human eye?
  • 2 : 1
  • 20 : 1
  • 400 : 1
  • 40,000 : 1

Question 20

What is the ratio of the light-gathering power of a 10-metre telescope to that of a 1-metre telescope?
  • 10 to 1
  • 1 to 10
  • 100 to 1
  • 1 to 100

Question 21

The diagram below illustrates the layout and light path of a reflecting telescope of the __________design
  • Cassegrain

Question 22

A(n)___________is used to measure the brightness and colour of stars
  • photometer

Question 23

300 nanometer light has a lower frequency than 500 nanometer light
  • True
  • False

Question 24

X-rays easily penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere and reach the ground from space
  • True
  • False

Question 25

What is the purpose of interferometry?
  • It is used to improve the resolving power of telescopes
  • It is used to decrease the chromatic aberration of a telescope
  • It is used to make large X-ray and ultraviolet telescopes
  • It allows radio telescopes to be within a few hundred feet of each other
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