A troll is someone who posts inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community.
A troll is an online identity used for purposes of deception. Also is a false identity to be used online.
Is the idea that any online discussion over time, someone will always bring up Hitler or the Nazis.
Question 2
What is a CAPTCHA
CAPTCHA is a software that obtains information from a users computer without the user's knowledge or consent.
CAPTCHA is to make sure that you are not a robot.
CAPTCHA is a test that the internet gets people to do before joining something to make sure that they are not a computer or robot so then the site won't be able to get hack.
Question 3
What is the definition of a 'worm'?
A long, thin, insect with many legs that you will find in your anywhere, mainly in damp soil.
A software program which can reproduce itself and can spread to one computer to another over a network. Worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers.
A program that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful
Question 4
What is a debit card?
A card issued by a bank allowing the holder to transfer money electronically to another bank account when making a purchase. Spending money that you do have in your account.
A plastic card issued by a bank, business, etc., for the purchase of goods or services on credit. You pay the money back when you have it. You normally have a set limit.
A card that contains some money but you can only spend it in certain places.
Question 5
Name one advantage of a LAN network
Share printers instead of having one printer for each computer.
Can be wireless so internet can be used all over the house if signal strength is strong.
If the connection is wireless and loads of people are using it the speed will decrease.