Rancho Levels


USA - NM1 Quiz on Rancho Levels, created by Ben Williams on 09/08/2017.
Ben Williams
Quiz by Ben Williams, updated more than 1 year ago
Ben Williams
Created by Ben Williams almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Level 1 - [blank_start]No Response[blank_end] Level 2 - [blank_start]Generalized Response[blank_end] Level 3 – [blank_start]Localized Response[blank_end] Level 4 – [blank_start]Confused & Agitated[blank_end] Level 5 – [blank_start]Confused, Inappropriate, & Non-Agitated[blank_end] Level 6 – [blank_start]Confused & Appropriate[blank_end] Level 7 – [blank_start]Automatic & Appropriate[blank_end] Level 8 – [blank_start]Purposeful & Appropriate[blank_end]
  • No Response
  • Generalized Response
  • Localized Response
  • Confused & Agitated
  • Confused, Inappropriate, & Non-Agitated
  • Confused & Appropriate
  • Automatic & Appropriate
  • Purposeful & Appropriate

Question 2

At which Rancho Level would you categorize your patient, if the following were true? • Responds to repeated auditory stimuli with increased or decreased activity. • Responds to external stimuli with gross body movement and/or not purposeful vocalization. • Responses noted above may be same regardless of type and location of stimulation. • Responses may be significantly delayed.
  • Level 2 - Generalized Response
  • Level 3 - Localized Response
  • Level 4 - Confused and Agitated
  • Level 5 - Confused, Inappropriate, and Non-Agitated

Question 3

At which Rancho Level would you categorize your patient, if the following were true? • Demonstrates withdrawal or vocalization to painful stimuli. • Turns toward or away from auditory stimuli. • Blinks when strong light crosses visual field. • Follows moving object passed within visual field. • Responds to discomfort by pulling tubes or restraints. • Responds inconsistently to simple commands. • Responses directly related to type of stimulus. • May respond to some persons (especially family and friends) but not to others.
  • Level 2 - Generalized Response
  • Level 3 - Localized Response
  • Level 4 - Confused and Agitated
  • Level 5 - Confused, Inappropriate, and Non-Agitated

Question 4

At which Rancho Level would you categorize your patient, if the following were true? • Alert and in heightened state of activity. • Purposeful attempts to remove restraints or tubes or crawl out of bed. • May perform motor activities such as sitting, reaching and walking but without any apparent purpose or upon another's request. • Very brief and usually non-purposeful moments of sustained alternatives and divided attention. • Absent short-term memory. • May cry out or scream out of proportion to stimulus even after its removal. • May exhibit aggressive or flight behavior. • Mood may swing from euphoric to hostile with no apparent relationship to environmental events. • Unable to cooperate with treatment efforts. • Verbalizations are frequently incoherent and/or inappropriate to activity or environment.
  • Level 4 - Confused and Agitated
  • Level 5 - Confused, Inappropriate, & Non-Agitated
  • Level 6 - Confused & Appropriate
  • Level 7 - Automatic & Appropriate

Question 5

At which Rancho Level would you categorize your patient, if the following were true? • Alert, but may wander randomly or with a vague intention of going home. • May become agitated in response to external stimulation, and/or lack of environmental structure. • Not oriented to person, place or time. • Frequent brief periods, non-purposeful sustained attention. • Severely impaired recent memory, with confusion of past and present in reaction to ongoing activity. • Absent goal- directed, problem solving, self-monitoring behavior. • Often demonstrates inappropriate use of objects without external direction. • May be able to perform previously learned tasks when structured and cues provided. • Unable to learn new information. • Able to respond appropriately to simple commands fairly consistently with external structures and cues. • Responses to simple commands without external structure are random and non-purposeful in relation to command. • Able to converse on a social, automatic level for brief periods of time when provided external structure and cues. • Verbalizations about present events become inappropriate and confabulatory when external structure and cues are not provided.
  • Level 4 - Confused & Agitated
  • Level 5 - Confused, Inappropriate, & Non-Agitated
  • Level 6 - Confused & Appropriate
  • Level 7 - Automatic & Appropriate
  • Level 8 - Purposeful & Appropriate

Question 6

At which Rancho Level would you categorize your patient, if the following were true? • Inconsistently oriented to person, time and place. • Able to attend to highly familiar tasks in non-distracting environment for 30 minutes with moderate redirection. • Remote memory has more depth and detail than recent memory. • Vague recognition of some staff. • Able to use assistive memory aide with maximum assistance. • Emerging awareness of appropriate response to self, family and basic needs. • Moderate assist to problem solve barriers to task completion. • Supervised for old learning (e.g. self care). • Shows carry over for relearned familiar tasks (e.g. self care). • Maximum assistance for new learning with little or nor carry over. • Unaware of impairments, disabilities and safety risks. • Consistently follows simple directions. • Verbal expressions are appropriate in highly familiar and structured situations.
  • Level 4 - Confused & Agitated
  • Level 5 - Confused, Inappropriate, & Non-Agitated
  • Level 6 - Confused & Appropriate
  • Level 7 - Automatic & Appropriate

Question 7

At which Rancho Level would you categorize your patient, if the following were true? • Consistently oriented to person and place, within highly familiar environments. Moderate assistance for orientation to time. • Able to attend to highly familiar tasks in a non-distraction environment for at least 30 minutes with minimal assist to complete tasks. • Minimal supervision for new learning. • Demonstrates carry over of new learning. • Initiates and carries out steps to complete familiar personal and household routine but has shallow recall of what he/she has been doing. • Able to monitor accuracy and completeness of each step in routine personal and household ADLs and modify plan with minimal assistance. • Superficial awareness of his/her condition but unaware of specific impairments and disabilities and the limits they place on his/her ability to safely, accurately and completely carry out his/her household, community, work and leisure ADLs. • Minimal supervision for safety in routine home and community activities. • Unrealistic planning for the future. • Unable to think about consequences of a decision or action. • Overestimates abilities. • Unaware of others' needs and feelings. • Oppositional/uncooperative. • Unable to recognize inappropriate social interaction behavior.
  • Level 4 - Confused & Agitated
  • Level 5 - Confused, Inappropriate, & Non-Agitated
  • Level 6 - Confused & Appropriate
  • Level 7 - Automatic & Appropriate
  • Level 8 - Purposeful & Appropriate

Question 8

At which Rancho Level would you categorize your patient, if the following were true? • Consistently oriented to person, place and time. • Independently attends to and completes familiar tasks for 1 hour in distracting environments. • Able to recall and integrate past and recent events. • Uses assistive memory devices to recall daily schedule, 'to do' lists and record critical information for later use with stand-by assistance. • Initiates and carries out steps to complete familiar personal, household, community, work and leisure routines with stand-by assistance and can modify the plan when needed with minimal assistance. • Requires no assistance once new tasks/activities are learned. • Aware of and acknowledges impairments and disabilities when they interfere with task completion but requires stand-by assistance to take appropriate corrective action. • Thinks about consequences of a decision or action with minimal assistance. • Overestimates or underestimates abilities. • Acknowledges others' needs and feelings and responds appropriately with minimal assistance. • Depressed. • Irritable. • Low frustration tolerance/easily angered. • Argumentative. • Self-centered. • Uncharacteristically dependent/independent. • Able to recognize and acknowledge inappropriate social interaction behavior while it is occurring and takes corrective action with minimal assistance.
  • Level 4 - Confused & Agitated
  • Level 5 - Confused, Inappropriate, & Non-Agitated
  • Level 6 - Confused & Appropriate
  • Level 7 - Automatic & Appropriate
  • Level 8 - Purposeful & Appropriate

Question 9

Patient does not respond to external stimuli and appears asleep.
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Level 5
  • Level 6
  • Level 7
  • Level 8

Question 10

Patient reacts to external stimuli in nonspecific, inconsistent, and nonpurposeful manner with stereotypic and limited responses.
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Level 5
  • Level 6
  • Level 7
  • Level 8

Question 11

Patient responds specifically and inconsistently with delays to stimuli, but may follow simple commands for motor action.
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Level 5
  • Level 6
  • Level 7
  • Level 8

Question 12

Patient exhibits bizarre, nonpurposeful, incoherent or inappropriate behaviors, has no short-term recall, attention is short and nonselective.
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Level 5
  • Level 6
  • Level 7
  • Level 8

Question 13

Patient gives random, fragmented, and nonpurposeful responses to complex or unstructured stimuli - Simple commands are followed consistently, memory and selective attention are impaired, and new information is not retained.
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Level 5
  • Level 6
  • Level 7
  • Level 8

Question 14

Patient gives context appropriate, goal-directed responses, dependent upon external input for direction. There is carry-over for relearned, but not for new tasks, and recent memory problems persist.
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Level 5
  • Level 6
  • Level 7
  • Level 8

Question 15

Patient behaves appropriately in familiar settings, performs daily routines automatically, and shows carry-over for new learning at lower than normal rates. Patient initiates social interactions, but judgment remains impaired.
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Level 5
  • Level 6
  • Level 7
  • Level 8

Question 16

Patient oriented and responds to the environment but abstract reasoning abilities are decreased relative to premorbid levels.
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Level 5
  • Level 6
  • Level 7
  • Level 8
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