SAT Subjects
So the SAT Test is coming and you’re feeling under-prepared right? No need to panic. Thankfully you have found ExamTime just in time. With our tools combined with the learning resources of others and your creative mind, you will be passing your SAT with ease. Throughout this portal we will be discussing ways in which you can use ExamTime to prepare and conquer the SAT. From the free tools we offer like Mind Maps and Quizzes, to sample material that other SAT Test takers have created right here on ExamTime. The three areas students must master are:
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SAT subject Tests
If a student wishes to boost their chances of getting into a particular college or generally wants to give their credentials a lift, they can choose from the SAT subject tests. There are 20 in total to choose from and students are allowed to select three of these. Many of the SAT Resources on ExamTime have been created by students who have taken French, Spanish or other languages, Physics and more. Why not start creating resources for the test which you are taking and help other test takers in the future while your doing so. Student options include:
- Literature
- History
- The Sciences
- Languages
and plenty more. Use any one or all of the ExamTime tools to prepare for these. Flashcards are great for foreign language vocab. Math prep can be done on ExamTime Quizzes and Literature can be created and kept in our Digital Notes. Try it today.

How to Organise Your Study
The first step in organizing your study begins with dividing up your time between each of the subjects you are taking. Consider factors along the way such as the amount of subject material and the level of difficulty around that subject. To do this, we recommend creating a reliable study plan with our SAT Study Planner.
Make sure to be realistic about how you allocate your study time. Try not to fall into the trap of spending too much time on the subjects you like and avoiding the ones you struggle with! Also be smart when deciding what time of the day to study your subjects. We tend to be better at problem solving earlier in the day which is ideal for Math prep.
If you’d like to try building your own SAT Study Planner, sign up for free to ExamTime.
Sign Up to Create a Study PlannerOrganize Your Subjects
Using tools like the ones available here on ExamTime will help you get more organized and plan your study time. Using Mind Maps and Flashcards will help improve your memory and help you understand key points better. Quizzes are ideal for laying out key segments of the Math exam and trying them over and over again. Mind Maps can be the perfect complement to your study planner.
What’s next? How about exploring some of the SAT tools in-depth, looking at top SAT Resources or see what advice we have on each of the subjects, Math or Reading and Writing.
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