31. People Create Mental Models


Slide Set on 31. People Create Mental Models, created by Julie Mastbrook on 28/03/2018.
Julie Mastbrook
Slide Set by Julie Mastbrook, updated more than 1 year ago
Julie Mastbrook
Created by Julie Mastbrook over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    31. People Create Mental Models
    Caption: : Image courtesy of: https://medium.com/@SaurabhVAgarwal/how-our-mental-models-can-screw-our-relationships-35fd6a0ac080

Slide 2

    What is a Mental Model?
    A mental model is a person's understanding of how someting works based on their past experiences, perceptions, what other people have told them, etc.   Mental models are what people use to assist with figuring out problems that are placed before them.
    With regards to design, a mental model applies to the representation of something, be it an object, an idea, etc.   Mental models have the ability to change as peoples' knowledge and experiences change.   Understanding the mental models for your target audience is a critical component to successful design.
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