Exam questions from previous years


User has deleted their subject information Slide Set on Exam questions from previous years, created by Deleted user on 14/06/2018.
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Olivia  Gniadek
Created by Olivia Gniadek over 6 years ago
Olivia  Gniadek
Copied by Olivia Gniadek over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    The following figure shows the nutrient cycling process in a grassland from which large herbivores have been excluded by overhunting. Draw a similar diagram showing what the nutrient cycling would look like if large herbivores were reintroduced to the system. Indicate and explain the main differences between the two schemes. 
    Question 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

    What are the five major mechanisms of evolutionary change? 1. Mutation 2. Migration 3. Sex/recombination 4. Genetic Drift 5. Natural Selection
    Question 2a

Slide 4

    Which mechanism(s) produce random and non-random change?   Reproductive success
    Question 2b

Slide 5

    Question 2c
    Which mechanism results in adaptation? 

Slide 6

    Question 3
    On the following two phylogenic trees, identify one character that defines the clades for each labelled branch.    A =  B =  C =  D =  E = 

Slide 7

    Question 4
    Choose a plant to consider for the following questions. You do not need to know the scientific name of the plant.    a.) Describe your chosen plant, both its habitat and its 'natural' habitat?   b.) What is special about your plant that makes it suited to its environment?  

Slide 8

    Question 5a
    Discus one factor that would limit the maximum size of a prokaryotic cell?

Slide 9

    Question 5b
    Discuss three (3) differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? 

Slide 10

    Question 6
    What are the similarities and differences between   a.) Aerobic and anaerobic respiration? b.) Anaerobic respiration and fermentation? c.) C4 and CAM photosynthesis? d.) Mitochondria and chloroplasts?  

Slide 11

    Question 7
    a.) List 4 functions of membrane proteins? b.) What is the main function of membrane carbohydrates? c.) What are the differences between facilitated diffusion and active transport? d.) Why do leafy vegetables wilt after picking?

Slide 12

    Question 8
    The diagram below shows a DNA replication bubble with the origin of replication and two advancing replication forks marked.    Indicate on the diagram the leading and lagging strands of DNA synthesis

Slide 13

    Question 9
    In pea plants, an allele for round peas (R) is dominant to the allele for wrinkled peas (r). An allele for an independently assorting gene produces yellow peas (Y) and is dominant to the allele for green peas (y).    The following cross was set up: RrYy x RrYy a.) what type of cross is this and what generation (progeny) results from this cross?  b.) What are the types of gametes and their expected frequencies produced by the double heterozygote RrYy? c.) what would be the expected phenotypes and their respective ratios in the progeny of this cross? 

Slide 14

    Question 10
    Mutation is a basic mechanism for evolutionary change, the results of which can be beneficial, neutral or deleterious.  Phenotypic mutation (proton coding genes) is able to introduce new variation; it is, however, regarded as random and its occurrence is relatively low.  Using the Information and Inheritance lectures as a guide, outline and briefly explain four (4) factors that can contribute to why these mutations occur rarely. 

Slide 15

    Question 11
    A plant breeder claims to have developed a bonsai eucalyptus tree that does not need to be pruned constantly.    a.) Briefly describe two 'ingredients for evolution' that must have been present to allow the plant breeder to develop this particular plant.   b.) Briefly describe which mechanism(s) of evolution would have been necessary for the plant breeder to develop this particular plant. 

Slide 16

    Question 12
    For each of the following animals, identify their body symmetry, tissue organisation, whether there is a defined mouth and anus and whether the mouth and anus are shared or separate.    a.) Sponge - Phylum Porifera b.) Jellyfish - Phylum Cnidaria c.) Earthworm - Phylum Annelida

Slide 17

    Question 13
    Select one (1) of the five (5) stages of Mitosis and describe the cellular events that are taking place in that stage

Slide 18

    Question 14
    What are the main functions of:  a.) Lysosomes b.) Golgi body c.) Vacuoles

Slide 19

    Acid phosphatase is an enzyme that is executed by plants when they are phosphate deficient to break down organic phosphates in the soil into usable inorganic phosphate. The genes for these enzymes are located on nuclear DNA. List the sequence of events that is needed to synthesise the enzyme and transport it into the soil.     
    Question 15

Slide 20

    Ultimately, all energy for growth and maintenance of plant and animal cells come from the sun. The overall pathway can be traced as follows:  A. Light reactions in the Chloroplast B. Carbon Fixation C. Glycolysis D. Citric Acid Cycle E. Electron Transport Chain F. Chemiosmosis = ATP   Write brief notes on what happens in each of these stages.  A.  B.  C.  D.  E.  F. 
    Question 16

Slide 21

    Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy is a disorder caused by mutation in exon 1 of the LMNA gene and leads to progressive muscle weakness In an individual without the disease, the DNA sequence from the first ATG is as follows:  5' ATG GAG ACC CCG TCC TAG CGG CGC GCC 3' The sequence of the same region from DNA from an Individual with Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy is as follows 5' ATG GAG ACC CCG TCC TAG CGG CGC GCC 3'   a.) For the individual without the disease?  i. write down the mRNA sequence transcribed from this DNA segment ii. What is the amino acid sequence produced after translation of this mRNA
    Question 17 Part 1

Slide 22

Slide 23

    Question 18
    A pure breeding doubly homozygous tall pea plant that produces yellow peas was crossed with a pure-breeding doubly homozygous dwarf pea plant that produces green peas.    The tall allele, T,  is dominant to the dwarf, t, recessive allele, while the yellow allele, Y, is dominant to the green, y  recessive allele. Note also that the 2 genes are on different chromosomes: i.e. independent assortment applies   a.) what are the genotypes and their respective frequencies of the gametes produced by the F1 progeny of the above cross?  b.) Indicate which of the gametes are parental and which are recombinant? c.) What is the minimum number of meioses needed to produce both parental and recombinant gametes?    The F1 plants where then self-crossed as follows, TtYy x TtYy to produce the F2 generation   d.) What are the expected phenotypes and their respective ratios recovered in the F2 generation? 
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