68. Speakers' Brains and Listeners' Brains Sync Up During Communication


People are Social Animals Slide Set on 68. Speakers' Brains and Listeners' Brains Sync Up During Communication, created by Yahav Avraham-Katz on 08/09/2018.
Yahav Avraham-Katz
Slide Set by Yahav Avraham-Katz, updated more than 1 year ago
Yahav Avraham-Katz
Created by Yahav Avraham-Katz about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Caption: : "Studies have found that when you listen to someone speak, your brain syncs up with the speaker, so that you fully understand what is being said. The more the brains sync up, the clearer the messages are to the listener. Why does this matter? Sharing information through video or audio, as opposed to just having text, is an excellent way to clearly share your message."
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