83: People Feel More Positive Before and After An Event Than During It.


Notes for 84 in the book
Paul S.
Slide Set by Paul S., updated more than 1 year ago
Paul S.
Created by Paul S. over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    #83: People Feel More Positive Before and After an Event Than During It
    Terence Mitchell did research showing that people are more positive when they are going to their holiday or special event but are negative when they are on their special trip. People start to get negative then they are when they are shortly into their trip.  This is because it conflicts with their emotions until they are negative about the whole trip. People began to lose their memories of their trip and become a hazed memory.

Slide 2

    #83 Takeaway
    When designing an interface for people that are planning for something in the future, they will be more positive for the experience the longer you can draw out the planning phase. If you measure satisfaction or other feelings, realize that you'll get more positive ratings if you ask people a few days after the interaction, than you ask them while they're interacting with the product or website.
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