35. People are Driven to create categories


Slide Set on 35. People are Driven to create categories, created by Natasha Feliciano on 24/01/2020.
Natasha Feliciano
Slide Set by Natasha Feliciano, updated more than 1 year ago
Natasha Feliciano
Created by Natasha Feliciano almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    35. Driven to Create Categories
    People are Driven to Create Categories People naturally put things into categories.          With a lot of information not organized, people will tend to          organize it on their own. Create an organization strategy based on who it needs to be designed for.          Get input from people about what organization makes the          most sense to them.         **keep in mind of the four-item rule from "How People       Remember". Break your categories into 4 or less chunks.
    Caption: : Don't forget to think about who will be using your categories. An adult and child may organize toys differently.
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