Principat augustéen


22 years after the assassination of Caesar, at the beginning of 27 BC, Octavian, nephew, adopted son and political heir of Julius Caesar, was endowed by the Senate with an imperium (power to command the legions of Rome) that he did not need to deposit every time he went to Rome, which made him the true leader of the Roman armies. In addition to the many civil powers that are attributed to him, Octavian thus manages, without resorting to dictatorship, to obtain what Caesar could not obtain withou
Victor Ward
Slide Set by Victor Ward, updated more than 1 year ago
Victor Ward
Created by Victor Ward over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Principat Augustéen - plan de cours
    - Retour sur le dernier cours 1. Les pouvoirs romains       La Potestas       Collégialité       Magistratures non cumulables       La puissance tribunicienne       L'Imperium
      2. L'Auctoritas       Honneurs et titres honorifiques, le Sénat       Honneurs religieux, Pontifex Maximus   3. Usage d'Octave Auguste de la Potestas et de l'Auctoritas  

Slide 2

Slide 5

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