Russian Revolution


The steps leading to the Russian Revolution
Slide Set by kayleighdevereaux, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kayleighdevereaux over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    In 1891, Russia was suffering a great famine. By 1892, half a million people had died of cholera and typhus as a result of the famine. Russia had a Tsar, which was like a King. He had absolute power (no Government). He wasn't very good at dealing with the famine. There was little amount of authoritarian presence outside of the capital; Russia had a rural population of 100 million, but only 1852 police sergeants and 6874 police constables.
    People began moving from the country to the cities. Urban population rose from 7 million to 28 million. City conditions were awful. Factories were unsafe. Worker strikes were illegal, as well as trade unions (until 1905). However, workers went on strike a lot as they had no other means of getting their point across.

Slide 2

    Due to the Tsar's lack of help, citizens formed committees to help famine victims. Local political organisations called zemstvos started campaigning for more control over Russia. 
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