The World of Warcraft virtual world is another popular example of a large interactivegaming virtual world which supports multi-player gaming.IntroductionOne of the most common reasons for using the internet is to communicate. In this sectionyou will fi nd out about some of the different ways people communicate online.Communicating online requires a special behaviour or etiquette, known as netiquette .This is a set of rules designed to prevent abusive behaviour online.
Virtual World.
Caption: : WoW
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Web logs (blogs). These are frequently updated online journals with diary-like
entries which allow people to express their thoughts and feelings and give details oftheir daily activities. Typically, a blog includes text, photos and sometimes video.
chartrooms. Online communication within communities is sometimes referred to aschat . Some of the large interactive communities where people take part in the sameconversation or type of chat at the same time are known as chartrooms .
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Wikis. These are websites that provide information that visitors to the site canextend and edit. They allow users to share information and are useful for research.The best-known example of a wiki