Christianity Presentation


9th grade World History Slide Set on Christianity Presentation, created by Payton Brigman on 22/09/2016.
Payton Brigman
Slide Set by Payton Brigman, updated more than 1 year ago
Payton Brigman
Created by Payton Brigman over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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    Founder:   History has claimed Jesus “the Christ” as the figurehead, but without Paul the Apostle, the founder, who improvised his message — free of the Jewish religion — and broke the resistance of his original followers there would be no church and perhaps not even a Jesus.
    Origins:  Christianity originated in Roman occupied Jerusalem, a predominantly but not entirely Jewish society, with traditional philosophies distinct from the Classical Greek thought which was dominant in the greater Roman Empire at the time.
    Founder & Origin:

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    Christianity is a monotheistic religion founded by the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus, a Jew, was born in about 7 B.C. and assumed his public life, probably after his 30th year, in Galilee.

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    Key Beliefs:
    1. Literal Interpretation of the Bible: According to "Understanding Christian Fundamentalism," the most crucial aspect of fundamentalist Christian beliefs is that all of the words in the Bible, preferably the King James Version, are to be taken literally. 
    2. One Way to Heaven: The Thoughtful Christian explained the fundamentalist perspective of the satisfaction theory of atonement. Upon birth, all of humanity is sinful in nature and deserves death as a punishment. !

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    More Key Beliefs:
    3. Bodily Resurrection: The "bodily resurrection" in Fundamentalist Christianity refers to the belief that Jesus' resurrection involved his physical body, as well as his spirit. According to The Thoughtful Christian, a Fundamentalist believes that everyone who has been saved will also experience a physical resurrection of the body, not just of the spirit. !
    4. The Nation of Israel: From a Fundamentalist Christian perspective, Israel is God's chosen nation and will play a key role in the end of human history, according to McSwain. Any nation that stands against Israel will do so at its own peril.

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    Last One!
    5. No Room for Debate: There are several issues within a fundamentalist doctrine that have no room for debate. According to McSwain, one of these is that abortion is always murder.

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    Location of Christianity today:
    Transcript of the 5 major world religions are Christianity, Islam, Judaism. Christianity was founded in 33 AD in Palestine. Jesus was the founder of Christianity by telling stories and parables with his disciples. Christianity is mainly located in Europe and North and South America.

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    The Impact:
    Christianity is responsible for the way our society is organized and for the way we currently live. So extensive is the Christian contribution to our laws, our economics, our politics, our arts, our calendar, our holidays, and our moral and cultural priorities that historian.

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    Followers in the United States?
    Yes, there are followers of Christianity in the United States. About 70% of Americans identify as Christians. The USA is has the largest Christian population in the world, followed by Brazil and Mexico.
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