Chapter 6


Elements of costing 2016 Specification
Katie Start
Slide Set by Katie Start, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Start
Created by Katie Start almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Chapter 6: Budgets and variances
    What is a budget?A budget is a financial plan for an organisation that is prepared in advance. What are the purposes of a budget? The budget creates plans The budget communicates and coordinates the plans The budget can be used to monitor and control Standard costs - Expected costs that have been calculated in advance. 

Slide 2

    VariancesVariances are the difference between the budgeted figures and the actual figures. Variance = Budgeted cost - Actual costVariances can either be: Adverse  Favourable Adverse - Where the actual cost is greater than the budgeted cost.Favourable - Where the actual cost is less than the budgeted cost. Significant variance - A variance that is brought to the managers attention for further investigation. 

Slide 3

    Responsible managers:Income:- Sales managerMaterials:- Production manager- Purchasing managerLabour:- Production manager- Human resources managerExpenses:- Administration managerProduction overheads:- Production managerAdministration overheads:- Administration managerSelling and distribution manager:- Sales manager- Distribution/transport managerFinancial overheads:- Finance manager- Company accountant
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