20th century medicine The National Health Service


A quick revision video that will take up to 15 minutes.
Lia Beart
Slide Set by Lia Beart, updated more than 1 year ago
Lia Beart
Created by Lia Beart over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

Slide 2

    1948 How did the NHS start?
    Needed soldiers to fight Soldiers deserved care after war because they fought for our country The Labour party promised to make all health care free if they were voted in, they later came into power in 1945 A welfare wanted to be made to look after people from cradle to grave Aneurin Bevan established the National Heath Service in 1948

Slide 3

    Who may have opposed and why?
    Privatised clinics and hospitals would rapidly loose money The Conservatives opposed naturally due to competition with the Labour party Lower class individuals would have to pay more tax Doctors who would work for the NHS have to work longer hours or less money than they were previously on, they used to be able to charge patients whatever they wanted. But the Aneurin Bevan persuaded doctors by saying they could treat patients privately in their own time using the NHS's facilities
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