Ejemplo de skimming * The objective of skimming is to have a general idea of the text. Is given a revised text pa knows if what is being read is worth reading. This technique is applied in the newspaper to find interesting news. * He skimming it is a reading techinique to be used when you want to find specific information quinckly. * To encourage harmony and peace across borders, we must set the right example in our own city. Respect and treat with education, people who are not of our people.* Life is so beautiful that every minute should be used to achieve happiness ... in the path of life there can be joyful moments that we will enjoy a lot and remain as good memories, there will also be bad times in which we will feel sad but not Valuable lessons for the future.* Earns with humility, loses with dignity, enjoys moderation and lives purposefully
* Writing is an exploration that for us is a journey where we are guaranteed a total tranquility and stillness.* The virus has a preference for the upper respiratory tract; But in severe cases, low respiratory tract (lungs and bronchioles.*" Early pregnancy impinges on the child's ability to learn to read".* Water is a very important resource without which there would be no life.* Ana on November 25th you will have an appointment with the doctor