Marking (A01):9/10: very good range of detailed factual knowledge, fully relevant to question, well-supported with evidence & reference where required, very good awareness of context7/8: good range of detailed factual knowledge, mostly relevant to question, mostly supported with evidence & reference where required, good awareness of context5/6: range of basic factual knowledge, partially relevant to question, partially supported with evidence & reference where required, some awareness of context
Marking (A02):9/10: Thorough analysis of evidence, perceptive evaluation, well-structured response, developed argument, fluent and effective idea communication, accurately written using specialist terms7/8: Good analysis of evidence, sound evaluation, well structured response with clear argument, mostly fluent and effective idea communication, accurately written using specialist terms5/6: Some analysis of evidence, some evaluation and engagement with task, structured response, underdeveloped argument, generally effective idea communication, generally accurately written with some specialist terms