Winning Through Persistence and Perseverance


Self-Discipline Slide Set on Winning Through Persistence and Perseverance, created by Abdou Mohamed on 21/08/2017.
Abdou Mohamed
Slide Set by Abdou Mohamed, updated more than 1 year ago
Abdou Mohamed
Created by Abdou Mohamed about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Developing Persistence and Perseverance
    The Five Keys to Developing Persistence and Perseverance: 1. Rekindle and re-fire your purpose and vision every single day. 2. Anchor the following attitude deep within you mind and heart: “With self-discipline I can achieve anything that I set my mind to, no matter how much hard work it takes, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how long it takes. I can and will achieve it.” (never forget that the journey of 1000 miles begins with one step). 3. Realize that obstacles and setbacks will be set on your pathway as you strive to attain your purpose and vision (Realize that these difficulties are really opportunities from which you can learn new insights that will strengthen your resolve and increase your knowledge). 4. Develop the courage and maturity to face your faults and weaknesses and then correct them (most people give up on their goals when they discover there is real work involved. Rather than dive right into the mainstream of work, they look for shortcuts. When they realize that the shortcuts don’t work, they give up. When you are faced with an obstacle or setback, believe that your problem can and will be solved—rather than surrender to failure).  5. Turn your work into fun. Make what you have to do something you want to do.

Slide 2

    Setbacks and Failure
    5 ways to turn setbacks into learning experience: 1. Never try to ignore a problem or handicap, deal with your problems directly, don’t avoid or hide from them. 2. Don’t blame other people or bad luck for your own setbacks, act like you are your own mentor, what he can do to survive this obstacle and reach his goal without complaining about anyone or any circumstances. 3. Continue to thrive to strength your quality in self-discipline, setbacks often occur because of weakness in certain area, try to turn theses weaknesses to strength, be your own best ally not your own worst enemy don’t tell yourself I failed, tell yourself I slipped but I am going to pick myself up and go on. 4. In almost setbacks there is a seed of opportunity-silver lining- find it and use it, you may find yourself taking a different path to achieving your goal than your first imagined, but you will get there just the same, take the new path and see where it leads you.   5. Always remember no matter how difficult the problem is, there is always a solution, a problem is only really a problem if you think you can’t solve it, if you take the attitude that every problem has a solution and you approach your problem with an open and creative mind, you will find that solution.

Slide 3

      The emotion you draw from your vision is the sustaining power of persistence and perseverance. AND Failure is only failure if you fail to learn from it.
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