Bones and muscles


Mapa Mental sobre Bones and muscles, creado por María Barrera Romero el 30/10/2020.
María Barrera Romero
Mapa Mental por María Barrera Romero, actualizado hace más de 1 año
María Barrera Romero
Creado por María Barrera Romero hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Bones and muscles
  1. BONES
    1. adult - 206 bones - conected by joints
      1. Our joints are conected by ligaments. The ends of our bones are conected by cartilage
        1. 3 types
          1. Fixed joints
            1. Not move - The bones of the skull are conected by fixed joints
            2. Semi-flexible joints
              1. Vertebrae - can do some movements
              2. Flexible joints
                1. Can do all movements - the shoulder and knees are an example of flexible joints.
            3. 3 types:
              1. Short bones
                1. stability and suport, such as vertebrae - protect the spinal cord.
                2. flat bones
                  1. such as sternum/ribs - protect our internal organs.
                  2. long bones
                    1. In the arms and legs
                      1. The fémur is the longest bone in the human body.
                  3. MUSCLES
                    1. The human body - 600 muscles. Nervous system controls - relax and contract.
                      1. 3 types:
                        1. Skeletal muscles
                          1. joint by tendons - voluntary muscles, we can control and move them.
                          2. smooth muscles
                            1. Organs like, stomach or intestines - involuntary muscles, automatically - we can't controls them.
                            2. cardiac muscles
                              1. Makes the heart move and beat
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