IMMUNITY - created from Mind Map


Apunte sobre IMMUNITY - created from Mind Map, creado por Reesha Cornelio el 12/06/2014.
Reesha Cornelio
Apunte por Reesha Cornelio, actualizado hace más de 1 año Más Menos
Reesha Cornelio
Creado por Reesha Cornelio hace más de 10 años
Reesha Cornelio
Copiado a Apunte por Reesha Cornelio hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

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INNATE IMMUNITY Physical Barrier Stages of infection skin mucous membrane natural flora Natural secretion Adherence of pathogen Penetration of epithilium Local infection of the tissue

ADAPTED IMMUNITY Stages of infection Lymphocytes : Cells with receptors that are highly specific lymphatic spread Adaptive immunity Cell mediated Tcells Humoral Bcells originate in bone marrow but mature in thymus and found tissue and blood Naieve Tcell CD4+ CD8 cells origniate and develop in the bone marrow Naieve Bcell Plasma Cells Memory Cells Antibodies Structure Function diversity Types Neutralisation Oponisation Lysis Antibody dependent cellular toxicity IGM IGG IGA IGD IGE

A body's ability to resist a particular diesase whether natural or as a result of a previous infection

Antigen : molecules recognnised by immune system inducing an immune response. Can be prtoeins , carbohydrates , nucleic scid , lipids or lipopolysacharides

-slow  - first line of defence 

 Activated when the antibody on the B cell recognises an antigen through contact with epitome  engulfs it and presents it throgugh an MHC CLASS 2 - helper T cell then comes along rtecognises it and assist B cells to differenciate 

Composed to two heavy chains , two domains and two chains.  Has a variable domain and constant domain  Light chain and heavy chain ' Fc regioin binds to other cell Fab regions binds to antigen 

The diversity comes from the splicing that occurs with the genes.  Heavy chain is encoded by VDJC and  Light chain is encoded by VJC recombination creates unique antibodies per cell  Rearrangment VH3DH7JH5 = all matieral b/w v3 to d7 is deleted along with matieral b/w d7 to h5 all the matieral upstream and downstream kept 

Variation in heavy chain constant regioin detemines isotype  Intially make IgM in naieve cells but then upon maturation make isotypes throgyuh class swithching  as the variable regions remainsthe same the specifiicity does not chain just the affinity 

-expressed in naeive B cells  -pentamer  -not a high affinity antibody  -linked by J chains  -very effiecient activating compliment 

Major class is serum  major class in secodnary response  binds receptor exposed by monocytes 




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