18 People read faster with a longer line length, but they perfer a shorter line length


1 chapter 2 Apunte sobre 18 People read faster with a longer line length, but they perfer a shorter line length, creado por steven moore el 13/10/2017.
steven moore
Apunte por steven moore, actualizado hace más de 1 año
steven moore
Creado por steven moore hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

Longer line lengths are easier to read because they interfere less with the flow of saccades and fixations

Use a longer line length (100 characters per line) if reading speed is an issue. Use a shorter line length (45-72 characters per line) f reading speed is less critical. 

For a multipage article consider using multiple columns and a shorter line length (45 characters per line).

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