Creado por niamhmoynagh
hace más de 11 años
I Could Bring You Jewels Had I a Mind To Wants to give her friend a gift, considers jewels, aromas from Santa Domingo, Colours from Vera Cruz, berries from the Bahamas. Instead a flower in the nearby meadow - yellow head is made of topaz and stalk of emerald, metaphor to compare it so "a little Blaze/Flickering to itself" wonderful comparison. little flower as an item of incredible value. dowry worthy of Francisco Bobadilo, richest man in the world. Alliteration - 'Colours - from Vera Cruz' - 'Berries of the Bahamas' Assonance - 'Never a Fellow' 'You Odours from St. Domingo' - musical quality. Imagery - tropical, caribbean images Little flower - comparing it to a "little Blaze/Flickering to itself- in the Meadow" - brightness and warmth - stem described as the flowers"swing" we can imagine the head of the flower singing back and forward in the breeze. Playful lighthearted tone. Hyperbole. puts forward deliberately outrageous exaggerations in order to stress the beauty of the humble flower. (petals unmatched by any sapphire, emerald stem an acceptable dowry for the richest man in the world) Tone of confidence. advertising her poetic gifts and literary skills. Celebration of everyday nature- focuses on something commonplace and unremarkable, as special as exotic berries in the Bahamas or the colours of Vera Cruz. encourages us to notice the beauty around us/ Celebration of poetry - power of poetry and the imagination. ability to describe these things. confident statement of her her descriptive abilities. The poem as a gift "Never a Fellow matched this Topaz- And his Emerald Swing- Dower itself for Bobadilo - Better Could I bring"
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