Fifteen Party


Fifteen Party
Tizi Crea
Apunte por Tizi Crea, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tizi Crea
Creado por Tizi Crea hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

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FIFTEEN PARTY In my country , Argentina , We celebrate  the fifteen party. That party it’s very important and expensive too. The girls with fifteen years old can chose the party or the trip if they chose the  party they have a  dress and all their friends are invite too his party,if  they chose  the trip they chose a place and their parents pay the trip and the excursions. The girls are really happy when the party’s day is coming, they have to go to a hairdressing to thing what  they want to do to her hair. And when the day  arrives  they  are happy all the day. I don’t have my fifteen party because I don’t have fifteen years old but when that day arrives I  want the trip.  

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Estilos de Aprendizaje
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Las Alteraciones
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