
HIGHERS PSBD/ ASSD Apunte sobre NSI / PSCOD/ ASSD , creado por Yuvraj Sunar el 03/11/2017.
Yuvraj  Sunar
Apunte por Yuvraj Sunar, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Yuvraj  Sunar
Creado por Yuvraj Sunar hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

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If  you find a suspicious device you must clear area of 100 meters.                        ( T ) Emergency situation can be either natural or man - made.                                      ( T ) Security guards always recommended trying & controlling crowd alone.              ( F ) If your building  been evacuated, you should only be re- entered if an emergency official tells you it is safe to do so.    (  T ) During a labor dispute, a security guard control site access in accordance with site order.                                                   ( T ) Barrier, gate, intercom & remote control are used to control access of vehicles. ( T ) Immigration law states that you must proper work permit.                                      ( F ) labor law states that you must have visa.                                                                     ( F ) If a person approaches you he says he is a PSCOD inspector & without uniform, you must ask him to show his ID.        ( T ) Security guard have a responsibility to their employer & public.                          ( T ) Private security is about protection with a focus on prevention.                           ( T ) Site order is to give guidance to security guards about requirements at your work area.    ( T ) In-house  security practice banned in UAE.      ( T ) Accident prevention & safety rules are also common solutions for security protection.      ( T ) The most powerful tool of a security guard is your eyes.  ( T ) CCTV equipment are not used for surveillance.                  ( F ) A book is one of the most important tools for a security guard it is used to record information that is valuable  & document" the important part of your duty.                     ( F ) If you want to correct the notebook , you must tear that page.                        ( F ) If you are writing notebook in a proper way, it is your professionalism.           ( T ) A person with skills & attitude to do their job in worst way possible, known as professionalism.         ( F ) Good public relation demonstrate that you & your company providing professional products.          ( T ) You have to choice to do the wrong things in the right way.                                           ( F ) Teamwork can achieve by 4 C' s'; cooperation,  collaboration, clarity & creativity.        ( T ) Aspect the deportment is uniform & personal hygiene .      ( T ) A security guard is expected to not to be aware of the surroundings & activities at this work site  .     ( F )   

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26 -   Part of the security guard is to access & determine whether it is routine & not require action.    ( F ) 27 -  S/G  can prevent crimes by making suggestions.         ( F ) 28 - One of the role of  S/G is to observe & report.              ( T ) 29- Observation skills can be reaction or proactive.             ( T ) 30- In your location, in case of theft happened, you will write an administrative report .   ( F ) 31- Assume that your reports could not be read by anyone. ( F ) 32- There are 3 type of reports.    ( F ) 33- You can write anything in a report that you can justify.   ( T ) 34- A good report should include 5 W  &  1 H. ( T ) 35- Writing of a report is when requested by supervisor.( F ) 36- Radio communication allows you to get help from other S/G. ( T ) 37- The use of radio is to listening music. ( F ) 38- As 1st responder security guard  may need to ensure that an incident scene is kept intact for the police.  ( F ) 39- Evidence is anything that is factually based & can be used to assist someone coming to a conclusion or judgment.  ( T ) 40- The statement of witness is not evidence.  ( F ) 41- Children can be a witness.    ( T ) 42- Effective communication is a skill or being able to give someone the right message in the wrong way to ensure that it is understand as intended.  ( F ) 43- Communication can be accomplished by using presence & dialogue. ( T ) 44- The security guard who become the center of attention is communication affectively.  ( F ) 45- Good listening is an important as good speaking, both together make an effective communication. ( T ) 46- stereotype or prejudice a barrier to communication.  ( T  ) 47- Don't make assumption about your customer based on their age, color or race.  ( T ) 48- When dealing with negative contact sometimes the best response is no response. ( T ) 49- Preventing accidents will help keep you safe & others safe.   ( T ) 50- Report & document will help to prevent accidents.  ( T  )  

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51-  basic function of the law are divided into 3 categories right , privileges & obligation.  ( F ) 52- The elements of crime are legal, moral & material.  ( F ) 53- In case of bank robbery or kidnapping S/G n use necessary force. ( T ) 54- Sufficient evidence means when you think the person commit a crime not when you had seen they have committed a crime.  ( F ) 55- Everyone has a right to use force to defend them- selves.  ( T ) 56- Swearing in public is not a crime in this country. ( F ) 57- Access control is controlling the movement of people, vehicles, material & information.  ( T ) 58- The basic requirement of personal access are determining identity & determining the level of access. ( T ) 59- You should  be aware of your work site's policy regarding access control.   ( T ) 60- In an emergency , if emergency vehicle approaches your control point you should stop them to check their ID cards. ( F ) 61- All alarms a  S/G respond should be treated as if not genuine.  ( F ) 62- The key of information security is being vigilant, know your area & which staff is permitted to be in an area. ( T ) 63- It is not a crime for a driver in case of an accident to leave the scene of an accident.   ( F ) 64- Priorities at an accident are injury & fire.  ( F ) 65- Some alarm initiating devices automatically contacted to the civil defense & some are not.  ( T ) 66- S/G should know their building  & always assume that not every fire alarm is a real fire.   ( F ) 67- The key is to search each area in turn & know what has been searched & what has been not searched.   ( T ) 68- Information can be stolen through fax, e-mail & mobile phone.  ( T ) 69- Four type of patrol; proactive,Re-active, direct, control area, random. ( T ) 70- Professionalism is the skill & attitude to do the job in a best way even when fell worst.  ( T ) 71- Security guard should encounter people as low as they can. ( T ) 72- Failure to pass 2 times in NSI renewal exam result will be cancel your license. ( T ) 73- There are 4 types of fire in UAE .   ( F ) 74- Attending in NSI exam with PSCOD id card & company id card will be automatic rejected. ( T ) 75- To be found guilty of crime an accused must be mature, sane & not under - duress.  ( T )

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76- Priorities of an accident scene is to care injured people. ( T ) 77- Good listening is 50 % of effective communication.   ( T ) 78- Security guard pay 50% of his medical bill. ( F ) 79- CCTV  can be used in a number of areas where it is more practical than personal surveillance.  ( T ) 80- It is ok to breach client confidentiality.   ( F ) 81- PSCOD  can issued fine for any breach of security law.   ( T ) 82- Personal hygiene included deportment.  ( T ) 83- Professional security helps to grow the company . ( T ) 84- If any detain person doesn't want to help you, must let him go. ( T ) 85- Customer service include be positive & be polite. ( T ) 86- Security guard can search a ladies bag with her permission.  ( T ) 87- After completed your notebook you should return it to your company.  ( T ) 88- PSCOD  stands for private security companies organization department.  ( T ) 89- NSI renewal contains 2 consecutive days.  ( F ) 90- Security protects people, property & premises.  ( F ) 91- It is ok to use mobile phone on NSI  building .  ( F ) 92- Ethics is known the difference between good & bad, right & wrong, recognizing moral duties & obligations.  ( T ) 93- Good  reports are factual, accurate, complete, concise, clear, correct, & well organized. ( T ) 94- Two types of language are passive & aggressive.  ( T ) 95- Public distance is 0 - 2 feet.  ( F ) 96-  WHMIS stands for workplace hazards material information system. ( T ) 97- S/G basic salary is 2500 dhs in UAE.    ( F ) 98-Professional S/G always begins encounter as low keys as possible.  ( T ) 99- Notebook will protect you if you will follow notebook rules.   ( T ) 100- Deportment includes clothing, grooming & equipment.  ( T )  

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101- PSCOD can offence S/G on breaching the rules.   ( T ) 102- Failure to pass PSCOD Exam 2 times will be terminated. ( T ) 103- Cultural offences in UAE are drunk & swearing in public .  ( T ) 104- Priority of accident scene is to take care of injured people.  ( T ) 105- Most serious crime in UAE is misdemeanor. ( F ) 106- Assembly area is determined location for evacuees to meet.  ( T ) 107- Tee types of radio are portable, car & base radio.   ( T ) 108- Searches should only be done if suspicious person has a weapon.  ( T ) 109- Perimeter protection is the fence line around a piece of property. ( T ) 110- The carry any kind of weapon unless authorized by the company.  ( T ) 111- 3types of alarm are intrusion, distress & fire alarm. ( T ) 112- Notebook is your official memory.  ( T ) 113-Site order means post order. ( T ) 114- Elements of fire system are fuel, heat & oxygen.  ( T ) 115- Crowd can be dangerous & never try to control alone. ( T ) 116- 3 parts of alarm are senor, control panel & annunciator.  ( F ) 117- S/G citizens have the same basic power of arrest like police in UAE.  ( F ) 118- A  high percentage of bomb threats are false but must be taken seriously.  ( T ) 119- Each S/G must have 2 notebooks during NSI , notebook in use  reserve. ( F ) 120- No mixed gender searchers unless a serious emergency exist.  ( T ) 121- The best time to record a note in your notebook a soon as possible after an event.  ( T ) 122- S/G always involved civil law.    ( F ) 123- A work side can be dangerous only on construction side. ( F ) 124- If  you find an explosive or suspicious item you must call 997 at same time.  ( T ) 125- In a bank robbery, a witness is allowed to get together or discuss with a S/G. ( F )

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126- 2 basic duties of S/G are static & patrol.  ( T ) 127- A fire scene can be a crime scene. ( T ) 128- We can use phonetic alphabet while discuss with people.  ( F ) 129- Civil law includes land property , business law.  (  T ) 130- PSCOD Which is a unit of Abu Dhabi police is not responsible for security . ( F ) 131- Accident prevention & safety rules are common solutions for security protection .  ( T ) 132- You can say anything in your report that you can justify. ( T ) 133- Use of radio ( walkie- talkie ) is to listening music. ( F ) 134- When is requested by the police to provide a copy of your written report regarding an incident, you should know your company policy & procedures.  ( T ) 135- The NSI  notebook should be used by S/G 12hours while on duty. ( T ) 136- 3 major parts of alarm are a sensor, control panel &  communicator.  ( T ) 137- Sometimes information in computer are more worth than money.   ( T ) 138- Deportment means how S/G looks from outside.   ( T ) 139-  You can use portable radio for personal use as other use.  ( F ) 140- A good report contain 3 parts: beginning, middle & end.  ( T ) 141- A S/G doesn't have statutory power to search anyone.  ( T ) 142- Report can be read anyone  expect the public. ( T ) 143- In natural disaster like earthquake your radio will always work.   ( F ) 144- Security is a business service, S/G provides good customer service which doesn't compromise with security work.   ( T ) 145- It is only labor department that all people in the UAE can secure their employment through contract.   ( T ) 146- All persons attending NSI must be in uniform including citizens.   ( T ) 147- Evacuation is only for fit people, elder & disabled do it by themselves.  ( F ) 148- 10 general rules for guard are basically guide line for proper behavior. ( T ) 149- Intrusion alarm detects potential attack on something that is being protected.  ( T ) 150- When  a S/G activates fire alarm, he should call his supervisor.  ( F )

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151 A S/G must report for duty in full uniform.  ( T ) 152- Access & egress are for controlling the movement of people, property & information in & out of the site .  ( T ) 153- Combustion process is a result of combination of fuel, heat & oxygen.   ( T ) 154- The key to handle unauthorized access to be polite but firm.   ( T ) 155- Four ways of patrol by a S/G are by foot, by vehicle. by bi- cycle 7 by CCTV.  ( T ) 156- There are 2 main divisions of security in the UAE are public & private.  ( T ) 157- Another name for the bottom to top search of bomb is a called a line method.   ( T ) 158- In case of an emergency , the only way a S/G can be effective is to have a plan & show leadership.  ( T ) 159- A scene can be incident, accident and crime.  ( T ) 160- There are 3 types of crowd control.  ( T ) 161- Information is only useful if it is used properly & shared.  ( T ) 162- S/G must use black ink pen to write their notebook.  ( T ) 163- The PSCOD inspectors have 6 specific responsibilities.  (  ) 164- There are 5 classed of fire in UAE  are A/B/C/D/E.   ( T ) 165- One way to misconduct is peer- pressure.  ( T ) 166- S/G can arrest anyone if have reliable witness & thoroughly show.  ( T ) 167- There are 2 basic categories of law are right privilege & obligation.  ( T ) 168- Five types of sense use on patrol are smell, touch . taste. hear & visual.  ( T ) 169- Powers of arrest are warrant, reliable witness & red-handed.  ( T ) 170- Formula for emergency numbers in UAE IS * PAF * P= POLICE-999 A=AMBULLANCE-998 & F= FIRE DNCE-997.  ( T ) 171- There are three kinds of crimes in the  UAE  , contraventions, felony & misdemeanor .  ( T ) 172-A security guard can write 2 types of report.  ( T ) 173- There are four sources of use of force conditions.  ( T ) 174- Security guard is shield not sword.   ( T ) 175- Technology that allow the views of a number of camera on one screen is  Video Splitter. ( T ) Thank you !!!!!

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