Pronouns 3: qui
The relative pronoun QUI, which is placed at the start of a relative clause, has different forms which mean 'who', 'which' etc. SINGULAR PLURAL masc. fem. neut. masc. fem.nominative qui quae quod qui quaeaccusative quem quam quod quos quasThe noun described by a relative clause is known as the antecedent of the relative pronoun.
Regular Verbs
The following table shows examples of regular verbs conjugated in different tenses. These examples are templates for all regular verbs. first second third fourth conjugation conjugation conjugation conjugationINFINITIVE to carry to teach to drag to hear portare docere trahere audireIMPERATIVE carry! teach! drag! hear! porta doce trahe audi portate docete trahite auditePRESENT TENSE I carry, you carry, etc. I teach, you teach, etc. I drag, you drag, etc. I hear, you hear, etc. porto doceo traho audio portas doces trahis audis portat docet trahit audit portamus docemus trahimus audimus portatis docetis trahitis auditis portant docent trahunt audiuntIMPERFECT TENSE I was carrying I was teaching I was dragging I was hearing portabam docebam trahebam audiebam portabas docebas trahebas audiebas portabat docebat trahebat audiebat portabamus docebamus trahebamus audiebamus portabatis docebatis trahebatis audiebatis portabant docebant trahebant audiebantFUTURE TENSE I will carry I will teach I will drag I will hear portabo docebo traham audiam portabis docebis trahes audies portabit docebit trahet audiet portabimus docebimus trahemus audiemus portabitis docebitis trahetis audietis portabunt docebunt trahent audientPERFECT TENSE I (have) carried I (have) taught I (have) dragged I (have) heard portavi docui traxi audivi portavisti docuisti traxisti audivisti portavit docuit traxit audivit portavimus docuimus traximus audivimus portavistis docuistis traxistis audivistis portaverunt docuerunt traxerunt audiveruntPLUPERFECT TENSE I had carried I had taught I had dragged I had heard portaveram docueram traxeram audiveram portaveras docueras traxeras audiveras portaverat docuerat traxerat audiverat portaveramus docueramus traxeramus audiveramus portaveratis docueratis traxeratis audiveratis portaverant docuerant traxerant audiverantFUTURE PERFECT I will have carried I will have taught I will have dragged I will have heardTENSE portavero docuero traxero audivero portaveris docueris traxeris audiveris portaverit docuerit traxerit audiverit portaverimus docuerimus traxerimus audiverimus portaveritis docueritis traxeritis audiveritis portaverint docuerint traxerint audiverintSummary of Latin verb endings and the English translations which are used to indicate the different persons:English Latin verb ending PRESENT IMPERFECT PLUPERFECT PERFECTI 1st person singular -o / -m -iyou 2nd person singular -s -istihe, she, it 3rd person singular -t -itwe 1st person plural -mus -imusyou 2nd person plural -tis -ististhey 3rd person plural -nt -erunt
Irregular Verbs
The following table shows four irregular verbs conjugated in different tenses. There are more irregular verbs, but they do not all follow one of these structures.INFINITIVE to be to be able to want to bring esse posse velle ferrePRESENT TENSE I am I am able I want I bring sum possum volo fero es potes vis fers est potest vult fert sumus possumus volumus ferimus estis potestis vultis fertis sunt possunt volunt feruntIMPERFECT TENSE I was I was able I was wanting I was bringing eram poteram volebam ferebam eras poteras volebas ferebas erat poterat volebat ferebat eramus poteramus volebamus ferebamus eratis poteratis volebatis ferebatis erant poterant volebant ferebantFUTURE TENSE I will be I will be able I will want I will bring ero potero volam feram eris poteris voles feres erit poterit volet feret erimus poterimus volemus feremus eritis poteritis voletis feretis erint poterint volent ferentPERFECT TENSE I have been/was I have been able I (have) wanted I (have) brought fui potui volui tuli fuisti potuisti voluisti tulisti fuit potuit voluit tulit fuimus potuimus voluimus tulimus fuistis potuistis voluistis tulistis fuerunt potuerunt voluerunt tuleruntPLUPERFECT TENSE I had been I had been able I had wanted I had brought fueram potueram volueram tuleram fueras potueras volueras tuleras fuerat potuerat voluerat tulerat fueramus potueramus volueramus tuleramus fueratis potueratis volueratis tuleratis fuerant potuerant voluerant tulerantFUTURE PERFECT I will have been I will have been able I will had wanted I had broughtTENSE fuero potuero voluero tulero fueris potueris volueris tuleris fuerit potuerit voluerit tulerit fuerimus potuerimus voluerimus tulerimus fueritis potueritis volueritis tuleritis fuerint potuerint voluerint tulerintThe verbs absum (I am absent) and adsum (I am present) are formed by adding ab and ad to the forms of sum. For example:est he is adest he is present abest he is absenterat he was aderat he was present aberat he was absent
pronouns 3
regular verbs
irregular verbs
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